[@Hillan] A fantastic CS as always, Hill-Billy. Though I have one slight adjustment I'd like to ask of you. Since I want this to be centered more around a school feel, I'm wanting an age range between 15 - 22, him being 26 puts him a little higher than I would like for now. So yeah, hit that edit button, send me a bitch slap when you've finished and consider yourself accepted. [@Bangtan Girl] Always welcoming new interest! On the subject of a brother and sister, for now (mostly because I don't have any prior experience with you and don't know how much you can handle yet) I'll be limiting you to one character but as the RP progresses and you continue to kick ass I'll allow you another. That being said, you can definitely make a sibling duo; you can include the other in the one's CS and then bring them in later if need be.