Initiate Retry.exe [b]Name:[/b] Lilita Rosetti [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Google Results] [img][/img] [/hider] She stands at a modest 5'9. [b]Personality:[/b] Lilita is normally a rather bubbly and cheerful girl, preferring to take on the burden of staying positive for the sake of those around her. She will try to help those she sees in need in whatever way possible, even if all she can do is just comfort them. She's normally seen as quite attractive, and while she considers this a burden, being pretty has its occasional perks. She is an equal mix of Social Butterfly and Loner, liking both the prospects of being surrounded by friends and having time to herself, and tries to adapt her attitude to that of which she thinks people will feel comfortable around her. On the inside, however, she's much darker than she appears to be. Taking on everyone's sadness and replacing it with happiness takes its toll on Lilita, and when she's alone or otherwise away from others' perception, she often cries and cries, as if all of the negativity had been absorbed into her. She beats herself down when in this state, not believing in her own abilities and perceiving herself to be a worthless weight on everyone's shoulders. She considers suicide rather often, and every day she draws closer to a decision. [b]Abilities:[/b] [color=00aeef]Angel-Demeanor[/color] - Lilita's positive attitude often has great effect on those who aren't in the best of spirits. [color=00aeef]Strong-Willed[/color] - Lilita will push herself in her tasks, not wanting to disappoint her comrades. [color=00aeef]FBS The Musical[/color] - Lilita has a wide range, and is a rather talented singer. [color=ed1c24]Curse-Bride's Wail[/color] - Though unlikely, if someone were to catch Lilita crying, it would feel as if a dagger had been ran through their heart. [b]Salvaged Item:[/b] The gold ring she received from the King, adorned with a green jewel. [b]History:[/b] Lilita grew up in the city of Fiore, a medium-sized city that resided on the south side of Tawken. She doesn't remember her early years very much, but when she was just 6 years old, her father was taken away for overwhelming debt that couldn't be paid back. Though the debts weren't plastered to Lilita's mother's name, she simply couldn't let her husband rot in prison without her. So, she handed Lilita over to her sister and shared in the fate of Lilita's father. Lilita was an unremarkable child at first; she had low grades in just about everything, and she was always getting in trouble. But her aunt and uncle could see that she had a big, warm heart. She focused on trying to make her classmates and teachers happy, and stood up against those who would do wrong. Her aunt decided to take her to the Grand Parade when Lilita was 11 years old, and the girl fell in love with the colors, floats, and The King who attended this national event. But most of all, she fell in love with the happy atmosphere, people laughing and pointing at the floats. It was a truly magical experience for the young maiden. She went home that day feeling confident that life was fun and filled with laughter. That night, her uncle died from cardiac arrest, and her thoughts changed. When Lilita was 16, she was caught up in a huge robbery when attending her aunt at the market. Multiple men with various weapons had taken over the western sector and blocked it off, demanding a safe way from the market or they'd kill hostages. Lilita threw herself at the opportunity to save lives, and offered herself to the bandits, making herself a hostage they'd take with them in return for leaving everyone else unharmed. When the bandits managed to leave the Marketplace out of the eyes of the law, they turned their swords on Lilita. It would have been all over...if Lilita's aunt hadn't caught up and thrown herself towards the blades, the Tawken Law enforcement arriving soon after. Lilita didn't allow herself to cry in public. She bottled it up until she was alone, and then she wailed and wailed. For 2 days she was alone and filled with despair, until she had to answer a summons from the King. She kept her head held high, unwanting to show her weakness, and found her way in front of the gates to the castle. She received a gold ring with a green jewel from the King himself, as a token of appreciation for her acts of heroism on that dreadful day. Lilita was offered a new home at an Orphanage that was recently started. Lilita would live there as both a child in the care of the nuns, and a hero who would teach the younger generation the correct values to hold in society. In 5 years, Lilita was called on once again as one of five people to represent Tawken's best. She was ecstatic, and jumped at the chance to take on the negativity between nations and extinguish it. Then the ship crashed. Well, it's time for her to get to work. Spirits to raise, no doubt. [b]Nation of Origin:[/b] Tawken [b]Nation Lore:[/b] See RP Intro [b]Other:[/b] [i]Lilita has motion-sickness. When using transportation, she often collapses, vomits, or curls up in strange positions. Lilita has a fear of dogs, even the smallest, most harmless breeds. On the opposite spectrum, Lilita has a love for cats, and cats love her. They will often curl up next to her without hesitation. Lilita is your typical "Dumb Beauty". She has very good looks (which she admittedly doesn't care for), but isn't the sharpest tool in the shed when it comes to her knowledge of the world.[/i]