"[b]Hey, could be worse Fixer; We could be going to an aquatic planet. A hot, humid, rust inducing aquatic planet.[/b]" Jacque pointed out with a subtle hint of mirth tinging his voice. The human leaned back in his chair and stretched, craning his head this way and that in an attempt to alleviate the tension that had built up in his neck. "[b]Well, we should be safe to switch on the autopilot for now if that's what you want to do Fixer; just be sure to keep those coordinates locked in. More than anything, right now i'd like to find out what's been damaged inside the ship now before it becomes a problem later.[/b]". With the way things had thus far gone today, Jacque honestly couldn't say that he'd be surprised if something important was damaged. All he could do was hope that the [i]Milano[/i] would make it to Bergen's Haven without any further incident. There at least he knew he'd be able to breathe a bit easy. The truce between the competition on site would mean that he and the others could trade, refuel, and resupply without having to constantly look over their shoulders.