Black Magic? That set off alarm bells somewhere in the back of Maverick's mind. Her attention was quickly drawn away from the subject when Nergal returned with the news that the offices were clear. Phone Freak began dishing out orders that all sounded reasonable, and apparently "Black Magic"'s transformation powers were very potent. Sealing all the exits sounded good, and Maverick was just fine with the civilians being kept up on the upper floors of the building, where it was safe. At least, safer than down here, where a gunfight was sure to erupt and second now. In the mean time, Maverick needed somewhere to be where she could be useful. She did glanced around the lobby and thought she thought she could have saw something move behind the receptionists desk. Maverick effortlessly vaulted over it, which drew a yelp from a receptionist in her thirties, frantically pressing at a silent alarm button. Maverick exhaled. She leveled her handgun at the receptionist and made the international symbol for a phone, as in extending her thumb and little finger, closing the rest of her digits and than placed it next to her left ear. The receptionist reached into a pocket and pulled out a smart phone. Maverick took it from her and placed it on the granite top desk. She focused for a split second, and the tingling sensation made it's way into her palm. She pressed onto the smart phone gently, the tingling sensation traveled into the smart phone, and it shattered like it had been smacked by a sledgehammer. She glanced at the receptionist again and put her index finger to her mouth (where her mouth [i]would [/i]be, it was concealed to the receptionist). [color=6ecff6] "Shh."[/color] All the while, her gun was pointed at the receptionists center of mass. She wouldn't dare pull the trigger, but the receptionist didn't know that. The receptionist also didn't know that Maverick's safety was on. In the meantime, Maverick also made sure to smash the silent alarm. Wouldn't do much good now, though, anyway. She figured it didn't matter- the police were already on their way. She hopped back over the desk. [color=6ecff6]"Alright, so, let's just keep the police out of the building until Vault Squad get's the money. Easy."[/color] Yeah. Easy. Her voice cracked as she said that last sentence.