Walking casually across her apartment floor in nothing but a t-shirt and the bra and panties she wore, Zoe held a wine glass in her right hand. Was it legal for someone of her age to be drinking, well not in the country she was currently in, but when had that stopped anyone before. She was on her own no one was going to tell! Besides that from the rumors she'd been reading on the net the show could get very interesting tonight and she didn't want to miss a beat. After taking a sip of her wine and setting the glass down on her nightstand Zoe sat down on her bed turning on her laptop, and the three surrounding television monitors she had set up around her room. Within moments of the computer starting up she was already to work. Opening doors to her already hacked systems and with the touch of button all of Las Vegas came to light on her monitors. Of course with each of them being sixty-five inches it helped when splitting cameras, and these were just the best angles. She had a background program running to detect flashes that could be from guns, grenades, or anything really so that anything flashy would catch the programs attention and make it a main view on the monitors. It was a bit difficult with lightning involved, but that wasn't very likely this night that was slowly dawning on them. Other than that the cameras on one screen would just cycle through random cameras every so often to give Zoe a good picture of what was going on. While she had all this turned on in only moments Zoe had quickly begun to work on more hacks into new things. This city was buzzing to life and she had already received a few interesting requests online through one of her aliases about a big job. For now she wasn't biting, it seemed several people already were going to take a crack at it and she wanted to see the results first, and pile up some resources and information. Hopefully everyone would provide her with a good show tonight.