Sending a short-code message via, his wrist datapad, to E-V advising her that he was “on the move” took only a few moments, and he quickly switched over to the probe droid controls sending them ahead to recon the long corridor. Gavon wasn’t completely surprised by the fact that the armored soldier was more keen on tagging along with him than sitting around in a dank, dusty cargo hold watching a parcel of unknown content that may or may not be worth it. This wasn’t the first time he’d had to work with mercenaries or paramilitary personnel out of necessity, nor did he think it would be the last. Since the fall of the Empire and the rise of the First Order, a galaxy of expendable mercs seemed to be plentiful but at the same time dangerously unpredictable. The Agent didn’t trust him in the slightest of course, but he also recognized an honor that wouldn’t cause the soldier to stab him in the back without good reason. Either way, neither of them was doing any good standing around, so onward they went down the very spine of the ship toward the bow, stepping over a handful of storm trooper corpses and durasteel fragments along the way.