[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=82ca9d]Danica Graves[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/b5142533452b1275d447632d7cf79007/tumblr_o4pj4kBCg21qb82v1o7_250.gif[/img][hr][b]Location:[/b] Inside the ER [b]Interacting With:[/b] [@Sohtem][hr][hr][/center] [color=a187be]"I say it's new!"[/color] she said as she grabbed a hold of Elizabeth and with her help tried to get off the wall. Then as suddenly as she had been thrown against the wall she felt gravity kick back in and she hit the floor hard, sprawled out flat as she let out a coughing breath against the cold tile. [color=a187be]"Well that was fun, remind me to mark it off my bucket list,"[/color] she groaned as she rolled over onto her back and tried to collect herself. She hoped that would be it but the flickering of the lights reminded her of bad horror flicks. That was never a good sign. Sitting up she looked around slowly and then watched as Elizabeth was suddenly in the sunlight and burning because of John. [color=a187be]"John, stop!!!"[/color] she yelled and he vanished. [color=a187be]"Well that was easy enough,"[/color] she said as she stumbled to her feet and held her mid section as Mary was losing her shit. She couldn't exactly blame the woman, if she hadn't had the sense knocked out of her just a few moments ago she might be acting the same way. Right then she was a bit too stunned and in a little too much pain to let fear fully register. Then Mary spoke, no John spoke. She was going to ask what book but then she was lunged at and Danica moved quickly. This was getting out of hand. She didn't know how long she would be able to see him and she crashed against the carts near the cabinets and grabbed the first thing she could get her hands on. Baby powder? [color=a187be]"Fuck it,"[/color] she said as she threw the thing at the ground and it billowed up around the room, sending a cloud of white everywhere. Grabbing Elizabeth by the arm she yanked at her, darting around the sunlight so the woman didn't burn even more and grabbing her pack on the way out as she tried to get the hell out of there and into the crowd of the ER. Staying there wasn't an option in her mind. Looking around frantically as she shouldered her pack she wanted to make a break for the door but the sun was something she doubted that Elizabeth could handle. The woman kept seeming to react to sunlight like a chicken nugget in a deep fryer and it didn't smell near as good. [color=a187be]"We gotta get the fuck out of here,"[/color] she said as she continued to pull Elizabeth with her and started grabbing blankets and tossing them at the woman's chest. [color=a187be]"Think we can play umbrella with those?"[/color]