Zeke exited out of the building to his own SUV, going to the back of the vehicle first and popping the truck open to reveal a large custom-made chest that filled the entire back of the vehicle, based off the kind the military liked to use to store their own supplies of arms, though this one's lock was unconventional. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out rifle cartridge he had been twirling earlier, fitting the bullet lead-first into the unusual lock, he then tapped the false cartridge's blasting cap with a simple ring on his right hand that had a firing pin fitting. There was a soft click as the case unlocked, and he withdrew the cartridge, opening the chest. Though Zeke never carried his heavy arms in this chest, it was what he referred to as his "go-to kit", essentially housing all the weapons and gear he normally used on a job. It was filled with a motley assortment of handguns, several shotguns, and a handful of rifles. Ammunition was kept in pouches near them. Aside from the guns, he also kept a couple of his face-masks in the case. The actual masks being out of a solid metal alloy commonly used for tanks, with the weave over the rest of the rest of his head being made out of the military prototype "dragon-hide". They'd cost Zeke a fortune to procure in the quantities he had desired, but then he wasn't aiming to be The Lead Lord who went down by simple bullets. He'd painted this particular mask to mimic his skull, figuring that he'd go for more a grim reaper look for this job. He slid the mask over his head, making such the weave met the neck of his jacket, and then started loading up on arms. His two .44 revolvers were already on him at his hips, but he loaded a Desert Eagle into a holster on the back of his belt, a sawed off shotgun into a thigh holster on each leg, four M1911s to holsters on his chest, and lastly picked out an M4 Carbine Assault rifle. He took a couple pouches of ammo for his pistols and three clips for his M4 before closing the chest and trunk, carefully placing the loaded M4 in the passenger seat, and starting the car up. He spoke into his neck mic as he pulled out of the meeting place on the public roads: [b]"This is Lead Lord, I'm mobile and have my teeth in, heading for the assignment. What's your status First-Degree, Lucky?"[/b]