[center][img]http://i.makeagif.com/media/7-29-2015/Ns5rvC.gif[/img][/center] Henri let her bottom lip wobble in mock upset as One-Arm attempted to rile her. She had recognised the sharp man immediately, having been still roaming free when he had been captured and incarcerated. She had to say, he was a lot more handsome in real life than in his mugshot. [b][color=87CEFA]"Oh, you wound me Jesse,"[/color][/b] Henri gasped, clutching her chest with her functioning hand, [b][color=87CEFA]"You can't even remember my name." [/color][/b] Dropping her hand she grinned at him, barring her teeth a little. How she'd missed this kind of interaction. Admittedly, she was slightly perturbed that she had been recognised so easily by someone outside of the Black Stars. Her affiliation with the Black Stars had been tentative and while she was no small time crook, she had only acted as a freelance mercenary on odd jobs in more recent years, identity concealed. She was no gang leader, no mass murderer or master thief like anyone else here. In fact, she felt quite out of place. The entrance of two more prisoners interrupted her musings. The first was and unassuming Nohvan. He looked startled, eyes fixed to the table. [color=slateblue]"Come on guys, I said I didn't want a big party this year..."[/color] A new voice was added to the mix. Henri's eyes widened comically upon sight of the Lanun. This time, she could not help but laugh. It rang, lyrically at odds with the tense atmosphere. Henri stood, and began to extend her hand as if to shake hands. A guard pushed her back into her seat with a thud. [b][color=87CEFA]"I'm a big fan, Ghost."[/color][/b] Henri said, sincerely. Now there was a thief she aspired to be like. Henri's thefts were graceless, a blur of broken doors and unconscious guards. Following the new arrivals, the prisoners listened with bemusement to Gabriel White's scheme. Henri honestly saw its merits and admired the [i]I.S.S Gladius[/i], she could only imagine what tech she could get her hands on on that shiny warship. Maybe there'd be a workshop for her to tinker with her limbs or maybe... wait. [b][color=87CEFA]"I'm sorry Mr. White,"[/color][/b] Henri said with a saccharine tone, [b][color=87CEFA]"But I see no reason for me to take up this offer. I've barely three years left to serve. Why should I put myself in the line of fire for the Federation?"[/color][/b] Truthfully, the thought excited her. She thrived on the kind of madness these criminals created. But her point was valid, why risk death for the Federation? "Miss Larrson," Mr. White returned her smile insincerely, "You may currently be incarcerated on [i]relatively[/i] minor charges." He cast his eyes over the rest of group on [i]relatively[/i], "But the Federation has reason to suspect you've been acting as freelance mercenary for some time. I seem to recall your name mentioned in regards to some stolen weaponry which was sold to the Andorians. Weaponry which led to wide spread destruction across Federation protected planets. One might call that an act of war, Miss Larrson." Mr. White raises a single, sardonic eyebrow, "You may want to rethink your involvement in this program." Henri swallowed thickly. [i]Well[/i], she thought, [i]What do you expect? You always leave a trail of destruction behind you. Someone was bound to follow it eventually.[/i] Fortunately, the attention was quickly taken from Henri as an iron scaled reptile drew every eye in the room. He could have picked Henri up with a single hand. The thought made her slightly giddy. [b][color=87CEFA]“Oh my,” [/color][/b] Henri sighed dreamily before adding under her breath, [b][color=87CEFA]" “You are fantastic.” [/color][/b]