Derek Bringer watched with a sad light in his eyes and a downward twist two his lips as the door to The captain's room opened, revealing a half dressed figure that he had grown quite familiar with. Second in command of the Royal guard, he had taken his orders from this man, served next to him, and now the dark truth had finally come out. Standing with him, dressed in fine pieces of armor and each with a sword and staff, A half dozen of the other guardsmen stood at attention, a few holding shackles, another with rope, waiting to apprehend the trader. He choked back his discussed and sorrow when he stepped forward, one of his hands going to a sword at his hip. A heavy sigh blasted from his nostrils, His hand twitching as if it wanted to run through his dark brown hair in frustration. "By order of His Majesty, King Darius Marr, I hereby place you under arrest for the murder of her Majesty, queen Ismari Lanar. Take him to the dungeon, the second cell on the right." He growled brusquely, The deep rumble of his voice authoritative. "Strip him of his current clothing and then dress this worthless cur in the standard prisoner's attire." The soldiers nodded to the new captain, Readjusting their shackles and bindings before stepping forward towards Adrian, reaching to place the cuffs around his wrists and ankles. Captain Bringer watched them move forward, the sorrow melting into a cold anger that made his blue eyes look like ice. He reached into one of his pockets, withdrawing a folded piece of cloth and opening it to lay bare an ornate gilded dagger, Dried blood crusted on the blade. "The damning evidence... The very dagger that the majesty herself presented to you when you became her captain. " he said in a disgusted voice, his fist tightening around the pommel of his sword. After a moment, he turned on his heel, heading for his own quarters, His mind already planning for the upcoming execution. "Take that filth away."