Caractacus returned his attention to Morro, but he kept the illithid in his peripheral, not wanting to completely take his eyes off it. He considered dispelling the undead minions that loitered nearby, but he decided against it, in case of deceit from the illitid. He took note as the bartender scuttled over to deliver a full plate to the knight. It was with some shock that he watched Morro start scarfing down food with abandon. His stomach grumbled audibly. It didn't help that summoning undead still took so much out of him. He needed to practice more. His thoughts turned inward, towards practice and the theory of undead summoning, so much so he barely noticed Morro adressing the illithid. IT was only when she spoke to him directly that he snapped out of it. "So you're a necromancer, eh? What's dirty scum like you doing here, shouldn't you be in the mountain?" She laughed. The words stung, but no worse than anything else he'd heard before. He didn't blame her for mistrusting him. [color=dimgray]"I-I'm not like th-the other ones. N-necromancy can be just a tool. Like any magic."[/color] He hoped he sounded trustworthy. Morro continued with her briefing. She stood as she finished speaking. "So... any questions?" Caractacus shook his head in the negative. The illithid had something to say, or more accurately, something to write, it had snatched up a piece of paper and a quill from a nearby table, and wrote down a message for the table. Caractacus read it quickly, and shook his head. [color=dimgray]"I d-do not want you in my mind."[/color] Perhaps, in response, the illithid motioned the bartender over, who approached with trepidation. Caractacus watched, horrified when the creature grabbed the bartender by the head, and the bartender started speaking in a terrible rasp. "I can speak out loud doing this. I won't continue this for long. But I paid. If you prefer I speak out loud. I will need a volunteer." Taking two steps away from the illithid, Caractacus swore. [color=dimgray]"Damn it! Th-that's almost worse! I d-don't want to be your m-mouthpiece."[/color]