[center][img]http://i1364.photobucket.com/albums/r729/EmyriaShade/imageedit_9_8512535590_zps0263f851.jpg[/img][/center] I stand and watch as the gathered crowd continues to mill about and talk amongst themselves and I note that Atticus did not acknowledge my dismissal, instead appearing to fixate on one who smelled strongly of human blood. I am not blind and to me it was clear that there was tension between the two of them. I choose to file that away as I continue to puff slowly at the pipe in my mouth and a cloud of smoke begins to filter up and out of my nostrils and mouth. My eyes focused on Atticus again when his voice was raised and he called to the crowd to get everyone’s attention. He speaks of the honor of our presence and I dip my head slightly to acknowledge the honorific but my eyes widen slightly when he speaks of a personal agenda that he would not pursue if Hoyle himself had been present. He summoned us with the company’s resources for a company mission and now he reveals an outside agenda? I feel disdain begin to rise inside of me. He seeks a worthy cause, revival of a fallen comrade who fell in the battle that I was kept from. But he does not seek it properly and the founders would not approve, he had even admitted that tacitly. My eyes narrow and I begin to open my mouth to reply and speak on the impropriety of his mannerisms when another spoke before I could. I know that the giant spoke wrongly it is obvious as I listen to his words and query. It was a noble cause that needed no justification but it had been done wrongly and that was the problem. The smoke trickling from my nostrils and mouth became darker and thicker, more obviously something other than the smoke from my pipe. As the werewolf lover of the deceased warlock called out insults and drenched the gathering with another level of improper behavior I grow still more frustrated. This group is dysfunctional and so many do not know proper respect. I feel anger as the slights fly back and forth but again before I can reply to address them another steps in. This time it is Henry the Fae Siren and I remind myself that he greeted me properly when he arrived. But he disappoints me as well for he only speaks of the commitment to the company and how this mission is in the company’s interests to try and shame the giant. Then the Dryad Raleigh stepped forward too and spoke. I approve of his words because he understands the risks but he still doesn’t speak of the issue that bothers me the most and I continue to stew as I wait. But at last when he falls silent it is my turn to speak and I step forward with my head held high and my bearing regal as I step from the cloud of smoke that I had generated in my annoyance. “I am Aethelreda and you doubtless know what I am.” My voice is resonating and clear as I speak. “Raleigh speaks truly of the risks and I agree that they must be considered. But I have served the company longer than many of you have lived and I know the importance of proper authority.” My eyes lock on Henry’s as I speak again. “You speak truly that it is a noble and worthy struggle to free the soul of Max from damnation. I regret deeply that I was prevented from aiding against the very vampire that you speak of by treachery. But a worthy task is not enough alone.” With some regret that I will shame one who has done great service over his life I turn to Atticus again, locking my eyes with his but not lowering my head this time. “This mission was not ordered by the Founders like all missions this major must be to be official. I regret that I cannot aid you in freeing his soul for I would to absolve my debt of slumber. But I was called by the hierarchy and the rules are clear. I must decline this ‘personal’ mission.” I put stress on the word personal to emphasize my point though my tone is clearly one of regret.