Alex nodded and said, "Got it." Alex was not even thinking clearly as the situation seemed to grow more dire with each second. Who knew what kind of damage this thing had done since they went into hiding, or if there was anyone else still alive in the school. For all they knew this thing could walk through walls or who knew what else it could do besides rip down doors. Regardless Alex was involved now and Kirin was his friend so there was nothing else Alex could do but stand by his friend. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. When he exhaled he quickly crossed himself and said, "I'm with you." Alex stepped forward next to Kirin and said, "Just for the record if I get killed my parents are gonna be really mad at me." Alex smiled a bit at his gallows humor and then the smile quickly faded. As he looked at the door handle and then at Kirin. Alex adjusted his weapon of choice gave slight nod and said, "Ready."