[h2]Hey there, guys![/h2] I've been burying myself in Pokemon lately, breeding too many little Noibat and Houndour for my own good, and then I made the mistake of getting back into Pokemon Mystery Dungeon. I'll admit I'm honestly not the best at the planning bits of that game, but they're a load of fun, and by the time they were released, my tiny brain was dying to play a Pokemon so they defintely hit the spot. Jump forward too many years and here I am, absolutely craving a PMD roleplay. I'm really bad at the whole group thing, even though I think that could be loads of fun, so for now I'll stick to one on ones. [h3]What I Want[/h3] - Ability to write 1+ paragraph per reply, 2-3 is preferable - Ability to write just a little more than [x used y] and call that it for a battle (I don't need a lot, but lemme see your character's personality in the way they battle!) - Willingness to write over PM or e-mail [h3]What I've Got[/h3] - I'll write you as many paragraphs as you want, man - I'll also probably waste too much time on my character's thoughts, you don't need to do the same - I wanna be your friend, let's swap friend codes and tell each other our favourite horror movies [h3]Generally Just Pokemon Stuff[/h3] So, I don't have a plot in mind. [*chorus of boo-hiss*] BUT. I want to make one. Whether it's our characters becoming a Team and joining an existing Guild or our dorks just trying to make it big. Big crazy end of the world plot? Sure! Some small stuff, just general missions that take us a bit to get through? Nice! Maybe they specialise in catching outlaw Pokemon, or maybe they just really like fetch quests. Whatever your favourite part is about PMD, I bet we can make it part of the game! As for the Pokemon we play, I'm honestly not picky. I'd rather stay away from Legendaries and stuff, and it could be a lotta fun if our Pokemon started out in their basic forms and evolved over time, but obviously, your own Pokemon is your business! I have one for myself mostly set out, though he doesn't have a moveset quite yet since I don't have a level set for him or anything. [quote]Liev ♂ [url=http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Archen_(Pok%C3%A9mon)]Archen[/url] Largely a bit of a bookworm, Liev is usually more concerned about how he can most effectively do something -- he's very interested in what seems to work the best. That said, his pack is usually weighed down with some book or another, and he tends to forget to take it out before he goes exploring or, indeed, into a Mystery Dungeon. As such, although he's got a reference material and can sometimes identify unknown items and locations, he doesn't have as much room to cram berries and Apples into. [/quote] Obviously he still needs a bit of work, but there's always room for improvement. Anyway! I hope to hear from you guys, I hope somebody is as down for this as I am!