[hr][hr][center][img]https://s32.postimg.org/h9zxjum6t/media_header.png[/img] [img]http://cdn.gurl.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/robin-makeup.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr][color=pink]"My name is Amelia Pilkvist, reporting live from Brooklyn, and here's the news for the afternoon,"[/color] Amelia began, smiling curtly. The teleprompter began informing her of the latest tragedies, of the death tolls, intertwined with bleak puns in order to break up the sadness. No news had reached her yet of her imposter in Altsoba--how could it, after all? There were far more important things than investigating how a prominent news anchor could be in two places at once. [color=pink]"The FBI declined to comment on the current events in Altsoba, with their being no indication of any deployment of field agents. The Vatican has warned citizens around the globe to begin making peace and amends, citing the murder of of a young girl named Caitlyn as the breaking of the first seal,"[/color] Amelia paused. [color=pink]"We have been unable to get confirmation as to whether or not a Caitlyn has been murdered in Altsoba."[/color] The screen changed, with a live footage of the White House. Security flooded the location, more so than usual. The President was nowhere to be seen, yet the Secret Service combed the lawns, and ambulances littered the area. [color=pink]"The President's son was fatally injured in an abduction attempt earlier this morning. The White House has yet to release a statement. We will be updating you as the situation progresses."[/color][hr][hr][center][img]http://i1289.photobucket.com/albums/b518/ThetaOswin/Altsoba%20Update_zpsmrjzomag.png[/img][/center][hr][center][@Witch Cat] [@Lady Amalthea] [@BlueSky44] [@hagroden] [@Pundii] [@Sohtem] [@Nallore][/center][hr][hr]Hardly anyone is paying attention to the time, as it is now a quarter to two. The drizzle has turned into a downpour, with what must feel like buckets upon buckets of water dousing those still in the streets. Fortunately, there doesn't seem to be any thunder coming along with the storm crowds, yet something is palpably changing about the town. Perhaps it is simply unexplainable, such as the inability to leave without turning up dead. Perhaps it is just nature proceeding on as normally, having nothing to do with the dark and demonic events shaping up. Only time can tell, and whether or not you will be alive then is debatable at best. Another one of you has met their end. When will you meet yours? [@Lady Amalthea]: The mystery man ignores the needs of the patients, pulling Amy away from the crowds and the medic tents. They end up in front of Forgotten Relics, the quietest area near Town Center at the moment. He cups her cheek with his hand, almost mechanical in his actions and motions. "I'm dreadfully sorry about what I'm about to do next, Dr. Chang," the man says, a bit of woe in his voice. "But I'm afraid I need your heart." A sinister quality takes over his face, a cold and mechanical smile becoming dominant. It seems unlikely he wants her metaphorical heart. [@BlueSky44]: Consider yourself lucky. The surgeon's work extracted the bullets, as well as removing anything else that might have found itself lodged inside of Katsumi. The team administers the needed medication, preventing Katsumi from going into shock, but she may feel incredibly drowsy. To her, time is starting to move a little oddly, falling in and out of place. The next thing she knows, she's perfectly bandaged up and placed in a wheelchair. One of the nurses asks, [i]"sweetheart, I need to release you to a guardian...Where are your parents?"[/i] Katsumi also notices the young surgeon lead Amy away, perhaps a bit too forcefully. Something isn't right there. [@hagroden]: Joel isn't nearly so lucky. The dashing surgeon had drilled a small hole in to relieve pressure, leaving the finer details of finishing up with the stitches to the rest of the team. However, cracked heads tend to bleed...[i]a lot.[/i] It certainly didn't help that Joel got up to stab the poor girl, either. Intense vomiting comes first. Then, his lips turn blue. His skin is cold and clammy. Joel is going into Hypovolemic Shock, having quick and short breaths. The overwhelmed and practically incompetent team rushes over, hoping they have Joel's blood type on supply. [@Morose] [@Pundii] [@BlueSky44]: As Zachary glances over at the medical personnel, he notices the strange man lead Amy away, a bit too forcibly for comfort. Darren may recognize the letters [i]INF[/i] to be the abbreviation of [i]the Inferno[/i], one of the most famous books dealing with hell. Darren and Jade happen to be perfectly positioned to see a young teenage boy briefly engulfed in a bright burning white light. [@Pundii] [@Witch Cat]: Unfortunately for Daniyal, Liam is not a mere psychic. A bright light begins to envelope Daniyal, burning with white hot heat. However, the instant Daniyal loosens his grip on the blade and backs off, the light vanishes, as if it had been a warning shot before something far more serious. Liam may have caught a glimpse of [url=http://65.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m2oz3fnyVJ1rnggk0.gif]this[/url] woman, a split second before the intense blinding light totally cleared. [@Morose]: Adriana doesn't give Howard anymore trouble, paying for the copies in cash. The cash smells strangely of iron, but it's surely no problem. She leaves the shop, forgetting a small bag. The contents of the bag are fairly standard for a student living in the modern world, aside from [url=http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/supernatural/images/5/5b/BloodyBlade.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20120621001451]this[/url] blade. It is carefully wrapped and hidden within the bag, but any prominent collector of rare items knows exactly where to look for such things. Perhaps the blade is of value--she won't be missing it, right? [@Lady Amalthea] [@Sohtem]: John attempts to follow Danica and Elizabeth as they dash into the mess of the ER, but ghosts are not able to manifest themselves too incredibly long. He stops possessing Mary, causing the poor woman to fall to the ground screaming something about [i]the Book of the Damned.[/i] As the pair of them step outside, the blanket plan seems to be working. It's helpful that the rain has started to pour, with the wind kicking up, yet it doesn't take very long to lighten. The sky above them clears, as if it knows that Danica and Elizabeth are attempting to escape the hospital. The sun shines through, and for a minute, Elizabeth appears fine. A gust of wind blows the blankets and makeshift shielding off of her, leaving the young vampiress unprotected. One minute, Elizabeth is there. The next, only ash remains. [@Sohtem] [@Nallore] : Scarlet and Samantha have been included with the NPC post below. ^^[hr][hr][h1][center][color=f26522]Dr. Chase Barnes[/color][/center][/h1][center][img]http://data.whicdn.com/images/34095868/large.gif[/img][/center][hr][center]Location: Town Center Interacting With: Scarlet [@Sohtem], Samantha [@Nallore][/center][hr][hr][color=f26522]"Well...Well he was trying to!"[/color] Chase blurted, rubbing the back of his head. He could have been a case study for the inspiring Body Language Analyst with the way he was shaking, constantly checking over his shoulder and rubbing his hair. At Scarlet's comment about a bomb, he laughed loudly. Far too loudly, in fact, for any sane person. [color=f26522]"Yeah, it's a bomb!"[/color] Chase joked, sweat dripping down his forehead. [color=f26522]"It's, uh, it's my grandma's remains actually...I keep her with me when I...when I walk..."[/color] The doctor fidgeted awkwardly, desperately wanting to get away from the two women. He continued staring over towards the medic area, letting out an obvious sigh of relief once Amy and the so-called Beautiful "Woman" departed together. Everything was proceeding according to his plan, then. Inside the box he held was the heart of a Qareen--a shapeshifting creature that took on the form of one's deepest desires. Through the heart and a complex spell, the Qareen was forced to do his bidding. [color=f26522]"Aunt Sue's, yeah,"[/color] Dr. Barnes answered dismissively, tapping his foot. [color=f26522]"I'm not, um, sure what happened either...Been a bit....busy."[/color]