[center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/O16b4YF.jpg[/img] [H2]That Night...[/h2][/center]  [color=8882be][b]"Thanks, Mr. Vandole!"[/b][/color] Whitney waved at the man behind the grocery store counter before stepping out into the night air. Within her right hand, she gripped a plastic bag filled with an assortment of items; she needed some milk, bacon, and eggs to make breakfast the next day. She liked going to the diner before class, but she thought that maybe she should go and make something herself once and a while. She hummed a tune as she walked down the street, enjoying the quietness that surrounded her. At this time, almost no one was out on the streets of Darkwell. The normally bustling little town was dead at such an hour, and while it was somewhat ominous, it was also very interesting. The lamp posts' lights attracted moths, which buzzed around the glass-encased yellow lightbulb. As she walked, she thought about the things that occurred that day. There had been so many weird people in the diner that morning, but she just assumed that it was busier than usual. Whitney's class, a calculus course, had felt like it dragged on for ages, especially when she felt like throwing up in the middle of it due to the pain that was ravaging her body. Luckily enough, the pain soon subsided, but only after class was done. When she returned home at the end of the day, however, she found a curious letter. An invitation to Darkwell City's 100th anniversary party. She loved parties, so she was planning on going anyway, but she was even more intrigued with the announcement of a raffle. She always wanted a personal computer, or at least, better than the one she already had. Since the party was going to be the next day at 12pm, she supposed that she would skip a class for once. Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard something move behind her. Whitney slowed her pace and looked over her shoulder, thinking it was just some passerby. But to her surprise, no one was there-- only the stretch of road that she was walking on. She felt confused, but she faced forward and continued to walk. As she made her way down the street, she felt the same presence once again, this time closer. Her heartbeat was becoming wild, especially when she turned to see that, again, no one was behind her.  [color=8882be][b]"Hello?"[/b][/color] Whitney called, her voice unusually meek. There was no answer to her call, and so, she turned her head towards the street again. Yet, the street wasn't what she saw. Standing just feet in front of her was something that she had never seen before. A figure resembling the shape of a man, but long, sharpened blades protruded from its forearms. She could not see the face of the person, but only hungry, gleaming eyes that focused directly on her; the dark armor perfectly revealed the strange thing's identity.  For a moment, Whitney froze,  and her blood became ice. The way that thing was looking at her... it wasn't what you could call friendly.  [color=8882be][b]"I-if you want money, I don't have much..."[/b][/color] But the shade did not appear interested in her cash. With a fluid movement, the blade came forward, nearly slicing her in half if she had not moved quickly enough. The edge of the blade instead cut through the film of the plastic bag, spilling its contents and making a mess on the cement floor. With a shocked cry, Whitney spun and sprinted away. She could tell that the strange thing was in hot pursuit, not daring to look behind her shoulder.  [color=8882be][b]"Get away from me!"[/b][/color] she begged, running as fast as she could. But the shadow was basically right at her heels, and she knew that she could not get away. She was dead. It must have been that she ran for hours, or at least, it certainly felt like it. Whitney was covered in sweat by the time she found herself cornered in a [i]dead end[/i] street, with no escape at all.  [color=8882be][i]Ironic.[/i][/color] she thought about the circumstances as she turned to face her pursuer. It stood in front of her, brandishing its blades in her direction. While it seemed like it had not broken a sweat, the pain that coated her body like tar was excruciating. The headache returned in such a way that Whitney was sure that she was going to pass out as black crept at the corners of her vision. She trembled. Was this how it felt like to be in the wake of impending doom? The strange shade leapt forward, aiming to slice into her throat in a fell blow. But before his blade could even find her flesh, something [i]changed[/i]. The pain only increased in intensity, and she felt herself morphing; she became much taller and stretched out, and her arms became thicker. Her fingers arched and transformed into azure talons. Her neck stretched and bent down at the shade, which stared in awe. She felt her flat teeth become razor sharp fangs, and from one moment to another, she was flooded with power. She was a dragon. And not any dragon, she realized, but the beloved creature that she played so much in her favorite online game. Whitney stared down at the shade, feeling a burning anger deep in her chest.  [color=8882be][b]"Looks like the tables have turned, doesn't it?"[/b][/color] the beast growled, raising her right paw as she brandished her own weapon. In a fatal swoop, she swung the limb, and her claws tore straight into the strange being. No blood poured out and she did not feel the warmth of tearing tendons and flesh, but instead, the shade dissipated into tendrils of gray smoke. And from one moment to the other, she was safe. She looked down at her limb again. The panic did not fade away like the shade. What had happened? Why did she turn into Aurelion Sol? Was this a dream? Whitney didn't think so. Worry fluttered in her heart, and for a second, she felt like crying. Would the government come after her? Questions raced through her mind like wildfire. All she did know was that she had to get out of there. After flying for a little while in search of somewhere she could hide, she decided that resting upon a roof would be best. Whitney didn't think anyone would see her up there, and so, the beast laid upon the cold stone of an apartment complex's rooftop. She lowered her head to the ground, her bright eyes scanning the street of any possible onlookers. The thoughts came back, racing through her mind. However, the one that stood out most to her was the most obvious question.  [color=8882be][i]Are there any more people that are like me?[/i][/color]