Jon nodded and smiled slightly toward Boggs as he approached. He took to calling him Wade in his head, having grown up playing baseball and idolizing Wade Boggs from the Boston Red Sox, even though secretly he hated the team as a whole. But, it was hard not to respect a man who was known for playing so many consecutive games for so many years, never missing a game. He blinked away the thoughts and focused back on Austin and his invitation to walk with him. There was a slight unease between the two since Jon had shot the three men at the edge of the forest they now walked through. The event took place days ago, but there was not much time to talk about that or anything but essential survival since then. In fact, talk was understandably basic and to the point. Changes of watch. Wake up calls. Get moving. That sort of thing. In fact, after the shooting, Jon didn’t even really reply back to Austin about the shooting. When the Veteran mentioned the shooting, Jon simply shrugged and muttered, “I dunno.” Austin was also observant and probably realized to some degree that there was something more to Jon. Jon decided he’d chalk it up to CIA training, maybe say he lucked out and got into some GRYPHON security training or something of the sort. Or maybe it wouldn’t come up. Jon was not in the business of not having plans thought out though. He looked at Austin and was about to mention that they needed to wake the other soon when he stopped. Boggs reacted in turn and followed Jon’s gaze. There in the road in front of them stood someone who could be described maybe as a boy in terms of his slight stature, but the fact that he was out there and stood in the road with some sort of intentions made Jon realize if he wasn’t a man, he was a very capable and confident boy. “[color=007236]Jon. Boggs[/color],” he began with somewhat awkwardly. “[color=007236]You’re in my clearing.[/color]” The man knew their names, so immediately Jon knew he’d been following the group. He had no inclination to respond immediately, so he took a second to study the guy. Male, short, light. Had a bow. Based on him following them and not being noticed, Jon assumed he was a woodsman of some sort. “[b][color=0076a3]And[/color][/b]?” replied Jon, rather flatly. The tone indicated he was tired, and maybe didn’t care or was annoyed. Jon then slowly brought a hand up and rubbed his temples and the area between his eyebrows and eyes, attempting to massage away some of his annoyance, or at least it appeared so. In truth, his intention was to see how this one reacted. If he took Jon’s move as an attack and fired, he and Austin would likely be able to take him down with some injuries. If he didn’t react it told Jon that he was not immediately hostile, and also showed Jon he had the advantage. If this man didn’t know Jon was willing, and capable, of killing him outright then Jon had the advantage--if it came to that. Either way, they had the advantage as both he and Boggs were armed and trained. If only one person walked away from this encounter, it would be him. As they stood there, Jon immediately decided this man was NOT involved with the three men they had killed days back. While he wasn’t sure how long they’ve been followed, the bottom line is that if this man was hostile or hellbent on revenge, he would have attacked silently and not presented himself in the middle of a road. Jon shifted his feet so that in less than a heartbeat, he’d be able to shift his wait and leap sideways, away from Austin, making the newcomer have to choose between two targets by creating distance…