Austin was just about to open his mouth and ask what happened a few days back with the three men but he couldn't find the words. He shook his head and when he looked forward, somebody had moved out into his patrol route. He was holding a bow and looked like he was in a really uncomfortable position. The veteran furrowed his brow as the boy spoke, [color=1a7b30]"'Jon'. 'Boggs'. ... You're in my clearing."[/color] Austin didn't turn his head as Jon seemed to react to a headache, but the fact that this... kid was holding a bow meant that he at the very least felt the situation might escalate. Giving the boy a quick check, Boggs noted that his stance was poised but didn't appear exactly 'hostile.' Jon responded and the former Warrant Officer gave a sneer, [color=598527]"And you're breathing [i]my[/i] air, but you don't see me bitching, do you?"[/color] He asked. Without missing a beat, Austin dropped some of his tense front to seem less aggressive. He could feel Jon's pseudo-relaxation and he too kicked right back into warzone mode. They needed to space out, so he took a very slow, gradual, and hesitant step to the right. He didn't make it an awkward movement as he took a step back simultaneously, as though he was just trying to keep away from the situation. This boy had been following them, so that meant that by now he would know that, at the very least, Austin wasn't a novice. He held a gun with too much deliberation and stood the watch with purpose, unlike most of their other campers. His grip on the rifle was steady, but he could feel his heart already thump, thump, thumping against his sternum. Why did people have to create such situations? Boggs mentally sighed, hopefully this world wouldn't last too long. He was trying to settle into a better life and start over, even if it was kind of late. Now, this shit? He seriously couldn't get off the front-lines, could he? He didn't want to overstep his boundary and speak until they could get a little bit more from this guy, but now his mind itched at Jon's situational awareness. Austin didn't have near the kind of training for absolutely minute details, but after last week, he hardly doubted that Jon was completely lost here. He readjusted his grip very slowly, quirking an eyebrow. [color=598527]"You've been watching us... You know we're on the move, why not just wait a day or two and come back - they'll all probably be gone. It's a shit spot, anyway,[/color]" He noted, [color=598527]"Too open... Accessible. So why not just leave us alone?"[/color]