"We wouldn't let either of you two die, the Supreme Kai of Time likes her Patrollers to be well cared for, on and off the battlefield," Trunks explained with more seriousness in his voice, even if he did still seem pained by getting kicked where it hurts. "Mrs. Tsila, you have my word, Blaze is in good hands." Rikyu looked the man in the trenchcoat up and down, then turned her gaze to Izaroth, examining him the same way. She nodded, unfolded her arms, and smirked at him, "Alright. Then good luck. Just give her a strict training regime. School was slowing her down... She's got potential, but it needs to flourish in real, life and death battles. Push her limits, and I'm sure she'll become a fine guardian of time," the Saiyan concluded. She pushed the door open behind her, revealing Blaze, Ash and their father saying goodbyes.