Miles was snapped out of the worry for his poor, wilting plants by the stare from Nobody. He stared back for a moment, became unsettled, and then looked around at the rest of K9 as they headed for the vans. It was as if he was asking, "Are you seeing this shit?" No one seem particularly interested, though, and the ordeal was soon over. Nobody joined the rest. Miles rolled his eyes and pulled his hair up into a bun as he started walking. Hair tie between his teeth, he just scowled at everyone's backs..until his lips turned into a small smile. It was almost genuine, which was something for the assassin: but hey, he considered these people his family. They'd be fine. Dark hair up, the man dropped his arms as he arrived beside Maja. "[color=lightblue]I'll switch out glasses for contacts as a start,[/color]" he told her in regards to his "disguise." "[color=lightblue]And since we're covering just southern Vegas, this should be simple. I don't even think anyone is really there, so just keep an eye out for the 'lancers.[/color]"