[h2][color=8dc73f]Baulder[/color][/h2] [color=8dc73f]"Black.... again."[/color] Baulder growled out as he opened his eyes and sat up in his bed. Baulder had been trying to repeat what had been his first dream for months now. The dream was something he couldn't remember in of itself but he did remember having it. That was the only time, before or since, he'd had any sort of flicker into something else. His sleep was always passing out and waking up the next day, but for once it had been different. Angered Baulder jumped out of bed and picked up the first thing he could get his claws on. It was a large piece of tanned leather that he had brought back to his dorm with him the night before. He began attempting to tear it in half with sheer force but was unable to simply rip it in half. Angering him further Baulder simply dug his claws in hard and grabbed a hold of the leather with his mouth. He pulled with all his strength and took out a chunk slightly bigger than his bite. Throwing the leather down in anger Baulder continued to furiously chew on the leather chunk he had taken out. Still angry yet simmered Baulder looked around his section of the room to find that his roommate had already left, as usual. Baulder had only talked to the Elf once since he began living at the college. He seemed to have a different schedule from him entirely. But that wasn't what Baulder was thinking about, he was thinking about how annoying it was that his half of the room was always perfectly picked up and organized. Baulder thought it annoying to say the least, he half considered simply smashing everything contained on the Elf's side just to set his mind at ease. Baulder pulled on a pair of cotton pants that left quite a bit of room around his legs on the inside by when they got to the bottom around his second ankle the pants tapered and fit his ankle rather tightly. He then doned a cotton under layer shirt and then a [url=http://prntscr.com/bzdu4b]leather overcoat[/url]. Deciding to forgo shoes Baulder opened his door and began making his way towards the meal hall. Not realizing he was still chewing on the leather Baulder took it out of his mouth and walked by a courtyard, tossing the chewed flesh into the snow. Baulder began to calm down as he began to finally feel the cool stone underneath his feet finally make its way through his thick callouses. He had found during the last few months that he enjoyed the cold and somewhat dry air that came with this season. Now that he thought about it this was actually his first winter. Baulder thought that he liked winter, having compared the two extremes the cold was better. Scratching his face Baulder turned to E'nasha in his head for a second, how long had he known her at this point? He could now say that he knew the people at the college longer than the people at the village, weird. The last few months had been rather uneventful aside from Master Tyrael returning to his teaching duties, albeit with one of Khan's demons always being present somewhere. He was glad Master was back again, he liked Khan but he wasn't the demon. Not to say he hadn't been interacting with his master before his return to teaching. Baulder had been spending extra time in the forge with Tyrael to make up for what he didn't get from his classes. While the work he was doing for him was mostly changing out cooling water and pounding hoes back into shape he found the work, soothing. When he wasn't doing either of those however he continued with shaping Jhon in his image. For the most part Baulder had gotten his voice to sound the same as his own but he still didn't talk like Baulder. He also didn't have most of his mannerisms, but that would come [i]practice practice practice[/i] that's what he'd tell Jhon. He'd get it, eventually. As a more practical matter Baulder had to choose a "mission" to take part in for the winter. He felt like he needed to leave the college for awhile. The same stone walls everyday, the same trees everyday, the same animals to eat everyday. Baulder needed to see more. He was thinking the delegation to Darkjnel might be a good one, there would be food there, exotic food. If the formal and fancy events he had been to had taught him anything it was that there would be food, good food. But, he wasn't really sure of that decision yet. Maybe he'd talk to E'nasha about it yes? He figured she'd be going on one of the outings, yes that would be nice. He liked her, she smelled nice, yet not nice to eat nice. It was more of a... he wanted to be around her more kind of nice right? That's how he could describe it, yes that would work for him. Baulder let a more muted smile come across his lips as he scratched his face and turned into the food hall. Baulder quickly grabbed as much meat as he could find, making sure to keep it all from mixing so as to savor the flavor of each piece of meats. To his pleasure he also discovered some bread sitting out for him to take. Baked goods were more of a recent thing for Baulder in general however bread was something he remembered the villagers serving with every meal. Something to do about feeling full or what not. After filing up a wooden tray with a variety of dishes Baulder found a table with rather few people sitting at it and began to dig into his food with his claws. Leaving any sense of civilization behind as he shoveled food into his throat as fast as he could without choking.