[@Pundii] [@FantasyChic] [@Lord Wraith] [@Morose] [@Peaceless] [@Dragoknighte] [@BlueSky44] [@JustDoingMe] Okay peeps, morning update (These will come less frequently as we get settled in.) Yup, top of the list is the relations thing! Yeah, I am so going to harp on this until they are done. Those that wish, you can add in yourself to under your relations to show a reflection of what your character thinks of themselves. We should be having two more joining us on Retribution within the next couple of days. (Rpers are currently working on CS sheets.) But again, that won't impede us starting. (We look to be adding a Ships Counselor and either an Engineer or Pilot) For those of you not familiar with Randomization and LLA - you are either in for a treat or a hair pulling experience. (Probably both) Basically Randomization is a little thing I use to keep things moving and fresh. A variety of things that could happen are placed into an online randomizer and what pops up is what I post for. This can be anything from the engines exploding to a fly that won't stop hovering around your head. Depending on what is happening in the RP, there can be up to 100 individual scenarios created for each Randomization. (Those from The Walking Dead and Darker Than Black Rps I run have been dealing with this for a while now.) Now to introduce you to LLA - She works with Randomization. LLA is basically Lady Luck, though thanks to a horrible auto correct in chat she started being referred to as LLA (which stands for Lady Lick Ass - Trust me the name is fitting). She can be your best friend or worst nightmare ~has a moment of silence for the over dozen character lives she has claimed in the last 5 months in RP's~ If something comes up in the randomizer where a character could get injured, you have your character start a fight or trip, or to even as simple as starting to choke on what you are eating LLA steps in and rolls. The event determines how the dice are stacked and a roll is made. If your character pulls a Natural 1, start planning the funeral. All rolls and randomization's are done by the GM and GM alone. Remember, no one is safe. Doesn't matter how beloved a character is or how hated. The rolls ensure a level playing field or in this case, an equal chance of death for every character. ~has lost so many characters she now gets a discount at the funeral home~ This is why I suggest back-ups lol Once we begin, remember to keep in character. Skills for your character are the ones listed and only those. Those are what you will be drawing from. Psychologically, keep the character reacting as what is listed in the CS. (I do check Cs's when people post to make sure Cs's are followed.) Think that covers it for now.