[center][h2][color=00aeef]Thor[/color][/h2] [img]http://i.imgur.com/PzupDt5.png[/img][/center] The ladies left the hole beneath the old tree and came to notice the sky turning more weary every second. It was gonna storm soon, ideal for Thor so she could reload all her mana. Hopefully there wasn't too much rain coming with it though. They followed Harper without uttering a word since she definitly seemed to take the most initiative of the three. They were fast to go back but Harper seemed to act a little off, like she had seen a ghost or something. Thor frowned and paid a little bit more attention to the girl as they walked. A gnarl from across the cliff they had to venture sounded. Thor instantly looked up at the sound and notice the woman in shabby clothes with unnatural looking skin. It was like some horror movie with the sky looking like this. Thor stopped with walking and took a stance to go at her any moment but first she wanted to see if it wasn't just a normal citizen of this town who was just a little crazy. Soon it was clear that his woman wasn't normal, as soon as a blinding light erupted out of her eyes Thor knew this had to end. She wanted to take off and use her powers but decided not to be so rash. She didn't have much mana after all so flying could be a bit too much. Thor was about to sprint towards the woman but was struck with a blast of obnoxious gas. Thor immediately froze and made sure she wouldn't be emitting any electricity. Her arms immediately reached out to the ends of her scarf pulling on both sides to get is as tight to her mouth and nose as possible. Who knew what this gas could be, worst was that the gas wasn't only around Thor but her teammates too. She could blow them all up or electrocute the two of them if she wasn't carefull. Lightly inhaling the stuff made it immediately clear that this wasn't normal gas. It was some sort of manipulation gas. She held a hand to her forehead as she started feeling faint. The feeling of darkness engulfed her mind. She felt cold, her body was freezing, goosebumps everywhere. She lightly trembled, it felt like a sort of panic attack. She wanted to die, that is how she felt like. She slowly looked at the other two to see how they felt. From the looks of it Ash had snapped out of it and was getting the woman full on. She couldn't see if she really did hit the woman but she didn't really care at the moment. She wanted this gas off of her and Harper probably too. Ashlyn looked like she was busy at the moment beating the crap out of the source so she had to think up something herself so she could help Ash instead of waiting around till Ash did all the dirty work, but to be honest this wasn't the best time to be a electricity user. Thor covered her mouth more with her arm and began stumbling and coughing towards Harper to take her out of the cloud. With the minute she felt worse but she didn't give in to the brainwash just yet.