Luciel sighed, closing the door behind the two before abruptly buckling and belting out a sneeze. [b]"Oh, [i]there[/i] you went"[/b] he chuckled, dropping the accent with nobody around. He went about throwing together a pot of coffee for the night since you could never tell how late of a night would be or if someone else may need it. [color=bc8dbf]The maker wobbled about, eagerly waiting to be fed and making soft 'meh! m-mehmeh' sounds like the impatient shit it was. It was expressly the reason I threw my maker out the window and got an espresso machine...[i]it[/i] at least knew its place, what with the 'example' hung next to it as a constant reminder. Regardless, I fed the beast and set it on low before gathering my things and heading back out into the bar now that business was concluded.[/color] Putting on his best 'thrilled to see you' face, the jackalope lifted a hand in greeting as he noticed Emily noticing him. Lifting an eyebrow, he fixed her drink and handed it over with a small teasing chirp of, [b]"Oh? Pleases n' thank yas, t'day? Whats th' occasion?"[/b] chuckling lightly. Though she was slightly bad for business, considering the way the tone of the bar darkened and a few patrons even leaving, Luciel knew better than to bring this to attention with people like Emily. For all the jack really cared, he [i]didn't[/i] so long as tabs were paid. [b]"Everyone all off with th'business n' such, loikly t'av the money tah tip~"[/b] he joked, clinking his pen on the tip jar which his hundred-crown note still lingered in. Playing the part perfectly, Luciel's expression faded from joking to what could be mistaken as genuine surprise before shrugging in an admittance of being wrong. [@Mega Birb]