Sebastian pulled his wife into his arms, holding her tight. "Don't worry, my love." He said, "Alice will pull through this. She's strong, just like her mother." He looked down at her with a reassuring smile. "She'll be up in no time, just like Josephine said." He pushed a lock of her hair behind her ear. "Come, you should probably rest. It's been a long night and you've done a lot." He pulled away from her and took her hand, leading her to their bedroom. Despite his collected demeanor, Sebastian was raging inside. He had already started to put a plan that would drag everyone involved in his daughter's arrest to hell. --------------- Despite everything she was feeling, Josephine couldn't stop the small smile that pulled at her lips when Elijah pulled her in. She rested her head against his shoulder, feeling the strong, fast beating of his heart. She sighed, "I do hope Alice gets better soon." She said, "No one should have been beaten down that much." Even though she hated the girl for breaking Jack and her apart, she couldn't help feel terrible, both for Alice and her parents. Especially her parents. Never before had she seen Sebastian that torn and despondent. It was painful to see.