Coy hopped up with joy after Maja said he would get to drive during this mission. If there was something Nobody was good at it was drive-bys, especially when he was the one in control of the vehicle. The thing that stopped his jovial jumping was the need to pay attention to Maja as she explained her plan: kill the construction workers; well, they should use stealth till detected or till they hear the code word, but that was the general gist of it. The ski-mask wearer simply raised and lowered his head to signify he was down with her plan. Having excitedly hopped into the van, Nobody turned on the car, lowered the window, and started bouncing in his seat. He simply gave a nod to Miles' plan to figure out what they're dealing with before striking. [color=pink]"... ..."[/color] Part of his upper body outside the car, he gestured for Miles' to hop in with gun in hand before sticking his head in and placing his mostly empty hands on the wheel. Their enemies wouldn't wait forever. [color=pink]"...!"[/color] He almost forgot! Coy placed the kazoo into his mouth and attempted to toot some [url=]hype music.[/url] What came out of the kazoo was just a series of wretched sounds and spit, but it sounded pretty fucking awesome to Nobody. It was time to go!