[i]"My Lord, Vera, I never thought I had it in me. He seemed to buy our act, aye? If you don’t mind my saying so, you were damned brilliant in handling that miserable hag. I had half a mind to throw a drink at her face.”[/i] As she lingered next to him at the bar, she couldn't help but share in the success of their mission so far. "I couldn't agree more, I think she'll be the one to prove most difficult to maneuver around. She reminds me of my aunt, in a way, very inquisitive. I just pray that she doesn't ask too many questions at the luncheon, hm?" Vera returned as she raised her own glass of champagne to Shay. With Herr von Goethe, she determined that he would be easy to manipulate, but the Fraulein... she would be a difficult adversary. More importantly, she found herself concerned with obtaining the painting, what if Albert would not release the painting they sought? Just then, like an ethereal vapor, Eris sidled up to them, and slid into a chair alongside Shay. "Well that looked like it went well!" She exclaimed, only loud enough for the two of them to hear. "Vera, your brother called me a few minutes ago, and he told me that he wants you back at the Tawdry, says it's important news." "He never seems to give me the chance to enjoy myself." Vera muttered, in truth, she never had the opportunity to visit establishments such as the White Star, much less enjoy a drink in the company of good people like Shay. "Whenever you're ready, I suppose, we ought to take a gander back to the Tawdry, and let'em know that things went smoothly." She said with a nod to Shay, "After our drinks of course." There, a devilish smile played on her lips as she waved down the bartender. "Bring me one more glass of champagne, good sir." She said. "But miss, you're already holding a glass..." "Don't patronize her," Eris started in, she wouldn't let a lady of the Roughers to be denied any request, not while she was on the job that is, "Now run along Harry." With a wave of her hand, she sent the bartender off to retrieve another glass, while Vera happily sipped on the bubbling alcohol. A sombre atmosphere had settled over the White Star, the jazz music turned into a softer melody, one where many couples took to the dance floor in front of the live band to slow-step to the tantalizing sound of piano keys, and the husky voice of a saxophone.