[hider=Felicity] [center][color=DeepSkyBlue][h3]Felicity, 13[/h3]”I will always be there in a flash if you’re in trouble, believe in me to protect you. All of you!”[/color][/center] [sup][h3][color=DeepSkyBlue]❱❱❱❱ FULL NAME[/color][/h3][/sup] [indent]Felicity Blu Escavalier [/indent] [sup][h3][color=DeepSkyBlue]❱❱❱❱ NICKNAME(S)[/color][/h3][/sup] [indent]Felix or Blu [/indent] [sup][h3][color=DeepSkyBlue]❱❱❱❱ DATE OF BIRTH[/color][/h3][/sup] [indent]April 15 1972[/indent] [sup][h3][color=DeepSkyBlue]❱❱❱❱ GENDER[/color][/h3][/sup] [indent]Male[/indent] [sup][h3][color=DeepSkyBlue]❱❱❱❱ APPEARANCE[/color][/h3][/sup] [indent]Felicity is a short boy standing at a measly 5’3, making him shorter than most boys around him, but he insists he will shoot up past everyone else given some time. Around his face is feathery dark blond hair that is long enough to sit on the nape of his neck and bangs that rest in his mossy green eyes. Sprinkled on his cheeks and under his eyes are light brown freckles that stand out against sun kissed skin. Felicity’s frame is small and feminine looking but is usually covered in some sort of bruise or marking from his utter clumsiness or the fights he enjoys picking with others that end up backfiring against him. To make himself seem more tough, he wears dark blue jeans and faded T-shirts that are a bit too big for him, once again he insists that he will grow into them any day now. Plastered on his face is either a pout or a giant grin. He will cross his arms and pout, even when he is happy at times although it is indicated by the rosey red on his cheeks. His voice is on the higher end and will often crack when he gets overly excited or upset causing him to become more embarrassed than before and retaliate to anyone who points it out. Felicity shows every emotion that crosses his face, making him easy to read in any given situation. This expressiveness matched with his already girly features makes him an easy target to others around him to point it out. Felicity is also graced with a beauty mark under his right eye, something he takes pride in for reasons he hasn’t really explained. Perhaps it’s because he feels special for having such a distinguishing feature. [/indent] [sup][h3][color=DeepSkyBlue]❱❱❱❱ PERSONALITY[/color][/h3][/sup] [indent]Stubborn and proud, even in his younger years Felicity had a strong sense of justice. Despite this he always found himself in tricky situations as he would go to the extremes to do what he felt was right, despite there usually being a simpler answer. Felicity always was taught to do what was right by his mother and he took it to the very limits, pushing boundaries far beyond what his mother had intended. Though despite this, Felicity is always bound to awful mood swings and will throw tantrums that can turn violent. Never against anyone else unless he felt as though they needed a good sucker punch in their face even if he couldn’t reach it. It consists of crying and shouting for a few minutes before he slowly settles down. He has gotten rowdy in the past over petty disputes and found himself beat up a lot. The sensitive nature of Felicity is what leads him to get himself into these situations. Either he feels like someone should be put in their place or even they made fun of him in some way or another. This includes those who call him by his first name, Felicity which he sees as being too feminine for someone such as himself, instead of Felix or Blu. Often times taking things a bit too personal, Felicity acts before he thinks. This causes his mother to worry for him often and play nurse to patch him up. Not always is his battle scars from other kids, Felicity is very much so a clumsy person. His constant risky behaviour causes him to slip and more often than not, leave him defeated and go to be patched up. Felicity lives with only his mother in the middle class area of St. Stephens, and the two have a very close relationship. He feels as though he can tell his mother about his mishaps and not necessarily be punished but given a stern lecture over hot chocolate and a medical kit. This has shaped him into being a very honest person most of the time only to not be if it was in the name of his slightly skewed vision of justice. His rash idiocy lead to him partaking in illegal behaviours such as stealing things for those he believes deserves them. Extending as far back as five years ago, he was looking after a box of kittens hidden in a shed, Felicity began to steal from a local store. He knew his mother had no money to take care of the abandoned animals so he felt as though he had to resort to stealing. That was when he met Ellie, the person he considers to be his best friend. In the process of his thievery, Ellie had approached him a nervous and babbling mess. He understood the poor girl’s confusion and decided she had a similar sense of justice he did so she was worthy to share his secret with. Taking her to the litter of kittens, Ellie continued her nonsensical lecture which amused Felicity to no end. The two began taking care of the litter together, Ellie teaching him how stealing even for a good cause was bad. This opened up Felicity’s eyes and was something he kept in mind while fighting for his beliefs. Though, one day the two found the box of kittens had been removed causing Felicity to become upset and enraged. His perpetual crying rang through the abandoned shed, until nervous Ellie had mustered up the courage to calm the furious Felicity down. He still thinks about her bravery five years later, holding Ellie as someone close to him. He views her in the same light as the kittens, someone to take care of and protect. The two have been inseparable since that incident, as he enjoys the babbling Ellie keeping his head level and him being Ellie’s protector and courage. Even if Felicity is a bit rash and angry, he is a very happy and positive person. His long monologues of how he will be the hero always end with his fists on his hip, chest puffed out and a huge grin on his face. His overwhelming positive attitude affects others around him to be drawn in by his silly promises of protection. He listens to all that anyone says if they show passion for what they are saying and will encourage them with loud and proud enthusiasm. Showing off his friends in the best of lights, he enjoys the fact that others have something they love and are willing to protect. Felicity sees himself as everyone’s cheerleader but is always ready to step in the spotlight himself. [/indent] [sup][h3][color=DeepSkyBlue]❱❱❱❱ FAMILY[/color][/h3][/sup] [indent] [b]Claire Rosaline Escavalier[/b], 34 – Claire is Felicity’s mother. The two have a close relationship and have a mutual understanding of each other’s boundaries. Claire is a big part of why Felicity has such a strong sense of justice, teaching him from a young age to stand up for what is right even when other people don’t think so. She is a kind and caring woman, spoiling Felicity any chance she can get and enjoys hearing the good deeds her son does in his life. Though she is prone to her long lectures as to why he shouldn’t do certain things even if she knows it doesn’t really get through to her hardheaded child. .[/indent] [sup][h3][color=DeepSkyBlue]❱❱❱❱ RELATIONS[/color][/h3][/sup] [indent]TBD[/indent] [sup][h3][color=DeepSkyBlue]❱❱❱❱ TALENTS[/color][/h3][/sup] [indent]Intuition (Sense of Justice): It is as it states. Felicity has a knack for knowing when things are wrong, even if things seem alright. Though this is not limited to himself in immediate danger, but he also gets ‘gut feelings’ if something were to be wrong with someone he were to be close with (At the current time, that list is short and only includes Ellie and his mother). This causes him to take action and play hero in many situations.[/indent] [indent]Planning Ahead: This sounds as if it is a strange talent, but Felicity knocks it out of the park when it comes to being prepared. In the heat of the moment he is a very rash person and will throw this talent out of the window, but when it comes down to it he is a natural at looking three or four spaces ahead. This talent is really shown through when he is with Ellie to keep him level headed. Though he may do some weird or insignificant things at the time, by the end it finishes as being a huge 'life saver' or at least makes things a bit easier. Sometimes he does these things without really thinking about it either, he just says it feels like the right thing to do in that moment.[/indent] [indent]Climbing abilities/Balance: Although he has a habit of landing with a thud, he knows how to reach places most people can’t. Along with his exceptional fence climbing, to which he is a self proclaimed master of.[/indent] [indent]Athleticism: Felicity is known for being covered in bruises and cuts and is always being covered in bandages but he is in fact very athletic. His drawback is that he has low stamina and can’t keep it at 100% for long.[/indent] [indent]Animal handling: Felicity is a kind soul and this makes most animals like him. He is very fond of cats over anything but also enjoys playing with toads that may cross his path. It doesn’t take long for even the nastiest animals to warm up to him and his intense patience with them and constant working shows he is willing to make an effort to connect with them and will help them however long it takes.[/indent] [/hider]