The wild frenzied attacks of the twi'lek were in horrifically bad form, nonetheless, he was drawing on raw power, putting everything he had into striking her down to protect Lianna, and the the force of every unpaced angry blow sung of the dark side. Knowing he was outmatched, this man was drawing upon his emotions, calling to him even darker powers if they would help Lianna escape, or even kill this new threat. But Null knew what happened when someone untrained with a lightsaber began wildly thrashing with it. She went fully on the defensive, simply deflecting each of his hefty blows away from her, and before too long, he lost control of the centrifugal force from the weightless blade, and hit himself in the side of the head. Null didn't even need to attack him. In the man's rage... he killed himself. It was too bad that the man had risked so much to hide something that was already apparent to Null. Clearly he didn't understand the full significance of the crystal that sought his apprentice out. Null raised a hand to her right, Picking up Lianna with the force and pulling her to her knees in front of Null. Null pinched the crystal with her thumb and forefinger, holding it in front of the scared girl. "This thing calls to you. When I found it I had thought I might gain a second lightsaber, but this... this crystal is for you." She smirked horribly, "How ironic. This crystal called to you. This Jedi died for you. All to protect a future fate you will never see. I wonder what happens to a channeled crystal once its master has been destroyed. And with that she pressed the crystal against Lianna's forehead, unintentionally being sucked into the girls memories. She saw Ceri VII, the conflict with remaining amani, the fanatics of Vaders followers. The multilation, the sacrifice. She saw the years of being alone, the feeling of being hunted, the connection she felt with the being known as Emeric. Her years training as... a smuggler? Null was surprised to learn that this girl had never had any force training whatsoever. This man had focused his very little ability on hiding her from the Dark Lord, not in training her. She felt Lianna's fear... her anger... and she felt... a connection with this girl. The visions swam back into reality... "Or perhaps..." Null said, pulling the now amethyst purple crystal away from the girls forehead. "You have a greater destiny still." And with that Null touched the girls temple and forehead, knocking her out instantly, and carrying the heavy part-metal girl to the platform she was expecting her ship at. In the bes'kar ship even Vader would be unable to sense the girl's life force anymore. But in the ship, she could live, train... and one day, help Null tackle the impossible. They were going to kill the Emperor God.