Heya. I'm aware that I didn't do the weekly celebration last week. I'll do both at the same time today. Unless something unexpected happens during a casual chat, it looks like the collab between Thunder, Rethel, and I can be wrapped up whenever we need it to. I am doing another collab with [@Leos Klien], and for plot reasons, I'd really like to get it done before we start roleplaying the tournament finale. However, he's been busy, and I don't want to stop the forum for months for him like we have before. Leos, right now your options are to reply more regularly if possible, retcon the entire interaction, or allow me to finish up the interaction with your approval of the plot outline. Please let me know your choice as soon as you can. It looks like our forum currently has six regular-ish players. I'd like to open the forum for two more sometime soon, if that's okay with everyone. I was planning to re-open the RP after the next major plot point. However, if we want to give those currently in collabs more time, we could get the new players in ASAP and arrange roleplays with the people who are currently waiting around doing nothing. Con: It will likely push back the main plot a little later; Pro: We won't have anyone having to wait to do anything at all. Thus, I am opening up a vote among the confirmed players, aka those who competed in the tournament plus Leos. Let me know whether you want to open up the forum to new players ASAP, after the next plot point, or not at all. The first option with three votes will win.