Lianna could only watch helplessly as her friend desperately tried to assault the Sith and failed each time. She blocked the blows as if it were a mere child attacking her. How could she hope to ever escape from this alive? It was her only hope that the woman would buy what Emeric had said about being the lone Jedi. But then it happened. As Emeric failed yet another attack he was thrown off balance and struck himself. She knew...she knew before he even hit the ground. She could feel it from her mind right through to her bones...he was dead. She let out a yell, but this was not guttural, it was not strength or defiance. It was pain, deep and scarring pain. A moment she knew she'd remember for the rest of her life. The time she failed to protect the man who had spent a chunk of his life to protecting her. She could do nothing but fall to her knees and let the feelings of sorrow and anguish wash over her. Before she could move, not that she had the emotional strength to do so, she felt a strangeness around her body as she was lifted through the air and planted in front of the Sith. Just feet away was the body of Emeric, but she could not bear to look at it. She tried to speak, to rage and scream, but no words came out. Unaware whether it was just the despair or the woman in front of her suppressing her voice with the force. Either way, she did not care. She stared up at her with loathing and hatred filling her every frame. The words she spoke were lost on her. It was only when the crystal was pressed to her head that she felt a spark. At the moment of contact the crystal shed its dull coloring and thrummed into life with all manner of vibrant purple and violet hues. She felt the spot on her forehead burn and her memories came to life before her very eyes, being projected through the crystal. Throught it all pervaded a sense of anger and injustice, a desire for power and revenge against those who had wronged her. Tears streamed from the girls eyes and down her cheeks, splashing on the ground, unheard beyond the hum of the crystal. She took a deep breath when the crystal was removed and began gasping for air. Still no words emerged from her mouth and no words entered her ears. She only thought of the silence and relief death would bring her. Sure enough she fell into darkness as her eyes shut. Her end had come at last. Or so she thought. --- She awoke with a feeling of grogginess that happened only when one had been drugged or knocked out. Inclined to believe the latter, she wondered why she was still alive. Lianna opened her mouth but all that came out was a slur of words and a grumble of pain. Her head was aching something fierce as she made her best attempt to sit up and drink in her new surroundings. It became apparent as her senses began to return in full that she was on a ship. The humming of an engine and the feeling of movement that she knew belonged only to space travel meant they had left the planet. Taking a mere guess she suspected she had been out for quite some time. Looking around as her eyesight came back fully she saw no traces of any other being, dead or alive. Knowing she would regret it, but desperate to find out what had become of her, she opened her mouth and coherent words finally emerged. "Hello?" she asked, though the weariness from her collapse was still present in her voice. "Where the heck am I?" though she doubted a response would be given.