At the beginning of the chaos, when Phone Freak's monster had slammed right through the front door, Mako had just seemed to vanish, but suddenly as the other villains spoke about keeping the cops out of the bank, the sprinkler system kicked on. Water began raining all throughout the upper part of the building and lobby, after that a sudden howl/roar ripped through the air, gripping the hearts of the less brave like a vice, now they were in Mako's domain. Mako walked out of a side room where he had pulled the fire alarm and set off the sprinklers, His eyes were as black as Tartarus and in his hand he held a large black trident that crackled and sparked with tainted Atlantean magic, he looked monstrous and ferocious. Where the king of Atlantis represented the regality of the ocean, Mako represented the true nature of the ocean, cruel, cold and heartless. Mako with a thought was suddenly surrounded by tentacles of water twisting around him and grabbing things like coffee cups or lamps and flinging them wildly towards the walls, "[color=00a99d]Let them come...[/color]" suddenly a wall of water rose and icy spikes formed at the front door about three feet high, this was the extent of ice Mako could use, he could freeze water but couldn't control ice, at the very least the front door was going to slow down enemy forces. The tentacles around mako twisted and writhed violently and his trident sparked loudly, "[color=00a99d]I will remain here in this lobby, you should take the upstairs quickly.[/color]" Mako looked around, "[color=00a99d]Any who wish to help push back the police should stay here and get ready for a very bloody fight.[/color]" [Hider=Mako's roar][url][/url][/Hider]