[u][i][center][h3][color=8493ca]~Yoshino[/color] and [color=6ecff6]Maribel~[/color][/h3][/center][/i][/u] [center][img] http://i.imgur.com/kQO6cOf.jpg [/img][/center] [hr] [color=8493ca]“An apathetic bitch? Did I hear that right? Princess, you’re as clueless as ever,”[/color] the Moon Rider stationed in her Throne Room chuckled to herself. Well, that wasn’t her concern and if anything, her client had better be damn grateful she would be receiving a new warrior in her house of white. If Princess wanted to be an idiot that played right into their hands, that was fine by her. The muscle head wasn’t quite known for thinking anyway, “philosophies” be damned. [color=8493ca]“Hmm? Someone’s connecting to the interfaces of the city,”[/color] she mused to herself, chin resting on her fist with crossed legs as she saw the stark and overbearing face of Paper Moon. After a riveting speech, Moon Rider couldn’t help but grin cheekily. No one else was there to see it of course but the action alone brought her great amusement as a whole. [color=8493ca]“Not bad kid. Maybe you’ll be a speech writer someday. Your girlfriend is right though. You’d probably do well in those contests. Maybe. Not like that matters anyway,”[/color] the Black King said once more to empty air, observing the battle down below from her perched spot. She watched, eyeing every action in this confrontation; metal men appearing at the gates of her Guild, Phantom Regality questioning life apparently, Nostradamus being an edgelord, Nies being a brainless puppy again, Arms Slave getting himself killed and…her. Moon Rider narrowed her eyes just briefly as she focused in on Dark Wraith. Perhaps at one point she had seen value in the Eraser leader but now she was being a needless burden. One that needed to be put down lest unfortunate things begin to happen. At once she saw the messages Dark Wraith sent out and slammed a coiled fist against the chair of her arm. The intercom was brought again without hesitation. [color=8493ca]“What are you doing?!? Do [i]not[/i] back down from these heretics who challenge our might! Destroy them all, slaughter them, make them revel in the glory of the Ebony Strykers! And as for you Bruisers, dare to face us if your cowardly ways allow it,”[/color] Moon Rider near hissed all throughout her kingdom; yet when she settled back down onto her throne, a sly and calm smirk graced her lips. [color=8493ca]“That should get their blood boiling, eheh,”[/color] she said, already seeing a few of the Bruisers launching attacks regardless of Broker’s orders from the verbal challenge. It was obvious now that something, [i]something[/i] was wrong with the Black King. The same something that was overtaking the Blue King now in her own Guild. [color=0072bc]“Hey let go of me! This isn’t the best way to convince me of joining your Guild you know,”[/color] Panther grumbled as she was dragged away by the paranoid little fairy. [color=0072bc]“Honestly, if you guys can’t even manage your own damn tanks then you can forget me wanting to join this place-hey, this is the Throne Room,”[/color] she said with a shift in tone, looking around to marvel at how big it all was. Sitting in the center was none other than Mercury Titania, slouched over and apparently unconscious. [color=0072bc]“S-Sis,”[/color] Panther called out, near pushing Absinthe away and rushing to the King’s side. The more she approached, the more Titania began to stir before looking up at Panther and Absinthe. But that wasn’t the weird part, oh no; the weird part was that one of Titania’s red eyes had been altered. The left eye of her Avatar had a dullish, gray coloration to the sclera, almost as if someone had punched her in the eye. [color=6ecff6]“Oh! Hey guys….what? I got something on my face? ;3”[/color] At least events were somewhat less hectic IRL, albeit boring for Yoshino. She couldn’t help but feel she should ditch Retsu-like she had been-and contact her employer about the situation in Deep Ground but there was no reliant spot to do that in this place. She could just leave since Retsu apparently fancied work over her despite her bold vows of protection. Or she could try dancing with that fellow over to the side eyeing her up. Why not? She was used to stuff like that anyway and if it meant being showed affection for more than a minute then…. [color=8493ca]“E-Eh? Oh, yeah, thanks Otoko-san,”[/color] Yoshino said, mentally slapping herself as Kanbaru came to scare the guy off; was she seriously just going to let anyone take her? Shaking her head, she continued with, [color=8493ca]“Yes, I know who you are. I memorized every student name in Purple Crown as Student President. It’s a fun job,”[/color] she said, though her tone of voice said the complete opposite. Further away, Huntress continued to take in Hibiki’s words with silence. Itsuko sure knew how to pick eccentric friends but at least she was loyal and concerned. She too glanced at Itsuko to make sure she was alright and needed any additional assistance. [hr] [center][@Caits], [@Lonewolf685], [@Bombardier], [@Lucius Cypher], [@KoL], [@McFazzer], [@RoflsMazoy], [@Mega Birb], [@Jedly], [@Lord of Evil], [@Scarifar], [@Kimiyosis] [/center]