[img]https://www.dandwiki.com/w/images/thumb/b/b8/PsiMonk.jpg/200px-PsiMonk.jpg[/img] Name: Alex Lou Age: 32 Element: Earth Appearance: Same as picture, but with a brown curly mustache, and goatee. Personality: Alex is a large man standing at a towering six foot 10 inches, with an equally large heart. He would risk his life to save a stranger in peril. He nearly always has a smile on his face, even in some wrong situations. History: Alex was once a family man, he had a wife and two lovely children. The oldest was his daughter, Amelia, who was always glued to his side when he was home. His son Corvo barely old enough to walk. One can only tell by the pictures on his desk, and the small bits he tells those who ask. His family had died in an accident a few years back and he couldn't save them. Since then he had wanted to help others and try to bring some meaning back into his life but with no avail. As a last resort he went to The Academy to try and make a new life there, in the same place he learned to control his powers roughly 17 years prior. He did not expect to get a job as a teacher, nor the shining faces of happy children to give him purpose again. He had to take classes himself on certain things that the children needed to learn in his classes, and after a year of learning he had his very own class full of students. Alex taught for a while using generic lessons based on how quickly the class average was progressing and tutoring some of the slower learners. He grew bored of that very quickly and decided to make his lessons fun and full of rigorous training for those that could handle it. Mr. Alex Lou's new Class motto is "A strong body and a strong mind will carve out who you really are." Alex did not teach his class at the beginning of this current semester, as he was away visiting family. Now that he has returned, he eagerly awaits the shining faces of his new students (and maybe some that he has the pleasure of teaching again). Equipment: His gold wedding band that he never takes off. Class Taught: Earth