[quote=@HylianRose] K, so... Nev convinced me to change Cat... But I wouldn't mind some feedback on what you guys think. And when I say change Cat I mean like... Completely new character. -cough- [hider=Max] [center][img]http://pm1.narvii.com/5677/be175c7ed81ee2cc82580dbf5d4897825cb366ce_hq.jpg[/img] [h3][center][color=lightpink]B A S I C S[/color][/center][/h3] [sub][i][color=lightpink]5'2" || 107 lbs || Brown Eyes || Natural Brunette (Bleached) || Fair Asian Skin[/color][/i][/sub][/center] [color=lightpink]||name||[/color] Megan "Max" Chen [color=lightpink]||age||[/color] 23 [color=lightpink]||gender||[/color] Female [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/4Fis2Ah.png[/img] [img]https://31.media.tumblr.com/32031883297562622c218cb475cb52ba/tumblr_n9rhfcNe8b1rp1mhwo1_500.gif[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/4Fis2Ah.png[/img][/center] [h3][center][color=lightpink]G E T T I N G T O K N O W M A X[/color][/center][/h3] [color=lightpink]||background||[/color] Max grew up in the rural south of the United States, though both her parents were born in South Korea. She grew up an American, knowing little of her own culture. After getting introduced to the music at a young age, Max found that she loved singing and the smiles she could get from people when she sang. She had a loud and charismatic personality. She found that people grew to love her quickly and would often become very protective of her. She did, however, have her fair share of enemies. Not everyone could see past the small framed girl's choice in clothing. She often was called names growing up and being an only child, it was hard to deal with. Even her friends didn't really understand. Max often hid her true interests, trying to fit in but she found that dresses, skirts, and long hair weren't her thing. People often assumed that she was lesbian, as she certainly dressed the part. But Max wanted to prove to everyone that though she preferred pants and short hair, she was never less the girl than her peers. It wasn't until Max turned 20 that she really took to trying to be herself and love that side of herself. She decided that she'd spent far too long hiding and not nearly enough time loving herself. Her parents were nearly as receptive as she'd thought, thinking she was lying to them about her sexuality. She was soon kicked out because of the misunderstanding, causing many many more to crop up. Knowing that America might not be very receptive of her, she moved to South Korea and hunted down an agency that was willing to take her on. From there, she became a part of M*NE (Pronounced 'Mine'), a singing and dancing group comprised of three girls. After two years of being with the group, Max was asked to enter a show on the premise that she could promote the group internationally. [color=lightpink]||personality||[/color] Playful - Adorable - Tomboy - Active - Confident - Comfortable Max is anything but normal. She plays like a guy and flirts like a girl. She punches like a guy and dances daintily like a girl. She makes cracks at every turn and is never afraid to be herself. Every now and then you'll find she gets 'that look' in her eyes. A proud and fierce look. And then it would immediately turn into a ear to ear smile. Max has her own particular style. She loves the color pink and other considerably 'feminine' colors but hates the frills and cold air that come with dresses. She loves capris, skinny jeans, jean jackets, etc. She finds that it's easy to be both masculine and feminine and loves to play with that balance. When presented with new people, Max is never last to introduce herself, often making large gestures that make people feel awkward but soon soften their hearts to her. She never feels awkward and can always find something to laugh about. Max's one thorn is her parents. She hates talk of parents and her sexuality. She feels that her sexuality shouldn't define her appearance and likewise. She also prefers simply not to discuss such a hard conversation as her parents. She often avoids drama, preferring to let others have their way rather than push for her own desires. She'd rather others be happy than jump into drama that would only cause more harm. Max more than anything just likes to see other happy. She has always been very good at turning off her desires for the sake of others but will this show prove otherwise? [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/4Fis2Ah.png[/img] [img]https://67.media.tumblr.com/b083f91bf293bba856ec600832af9184/tumblr_mep0kq12YQ1rq0dxuo1_500.gif[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/4Fis2Ah.png[/img][/center] [h3][center][color=lightpink]S P E C I F I C S[/color][/center][/h3] [color=lightpink]||what they look for in a partner||[/color] Max doesn't really want a partner currently. She feels no need for anything more than friendship and never really looks for anything more. She generally treats everyone the same and doesn't feel the same sexual attraction that most people seem to experience. She finds others attractive but has never felt the need to 'attack' anyone in that manner. If anything Max would just want someone to share in her joy. [color=lightpink]||reason for joining show||[/color] Contract? Max would have never joined if she weren't obligated through her contract. [color=lightpink]||other||[/color] Max absolutely loves makeup and loves doing other peoples makeup for them. She also likes doing other people's hair, for whatever reason. [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/4Fis2Ah.png[/img] [img]https://67.media.tumblr.com/4a2041387624d57137bae04b22c099c0/tumblr_nnbbyfWmCd1rlwlm2o1_500.gif[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/4Fis2Ah.png[/img][/center] [/hider] [/quote] They were both gorgeous characters, but I do like this one just a teeny bit better xD