Odin is visibly pissed and he squirms in his desk for a second before standing up suddenly and walking out of the room to let off some heat so that he dosent pound that little punks face in. Odin knows he cant be sweet and charming, and that this ethan kid was way more her style. Odin rushes all the way to locker room and slams a few gym lockers. There are a few druggies in the corner and Odin yells at them to get off their ass and get to class then takes a deep breath trying to calm down. [color=00aeef][b][i]Goddamn it! That little shit is going to snatch her up before I even get a chance![/i][/b][/color] Odin lets out an audibly growl in hatred of that kid that is taking the only thing he has cared about in a long time.