I'm going to keep this short and sweet. Basically, I just re-watched an old movie that came out when I was a kid called Lady and the Tramp II Scamps Adventure. As far as Disney Sequels go, I feel like its pretty good and watching it gave me an idea to do a plot sort of like that movie, just as humans instead of dogs XD If you haven't seen that movie(if you wish to watch the movie for yourself I'm sure I can find it somewhere XD), the basics to it is that Lady and the Tramp had pups and their son, Scamp grew up thinking his parents had both always been house dogs. He begins to feel like he doesn't belong in the 'house pet' life of following rules and living in the house, wishing to be 'wild and free', living on his own and not following anyone's rules. And so, he runs away and meets this gang of street dogs. In the gang of street dogs is a girl dog named Angel. Scamp learns that Angel has had quite a few families in the past, each one dumping her off after a while. It turns out both of them want what the other has, Scamp wants the freedom she has, but she wants a family like he has. Though their views on families and street life differ, fall in love and have to face a lot together, ect, you get the picture. Now, obviously the rp doesn't have to be exactly the movie humanized, I still think its a pretty decent plot to attempt an rp on. And its an open ended sort of plot that we could easily work with. I myself would like to play Angel as my character and it would be awesome to find someone willing to play Scamp (you can change his name if you want lol). Anyway, if anyone has any interest, let me know what you think and if you have any ideas for it through PM. Thanks and have an awesome day!