[@SilverWolfAngel] [@KatherinWinter] [@arockysmith] [@King Tai] When Charles is done he would have 5 ruined wolf pelts, 100 damaged wolf claws, and nearly the same in teeth. as well as a lot of wolf meat. he puts them all in his inventory, before looking back to the others as they spoke. "The gamer stuff is kind of my power" he states "My gem turned me into a videogame character" he tells Zo and Shiloh. "My power turns various actions into skills even possibly creating some out of nothing, and even gives me skill points so I can assign special points to various stats that can boost my various abilities" he tells them as he cleans off the knife and gives it back to Roxy. "like if I put points into strength I become physically stronger, and so on.." he say "my power to my knowledge has pretty much no limits... but more testing will be needed to figure that out.. a lot of grinding... aka training" he states.