Trex frowned. Earth huh? He ignored the slight twinge of jealousy as Bodo talked about how powerful Gyatsu was. It was just another reminder of dragon slayer magic and how some people had it and others didn't. No. He wasn't going to complain. Some people were gifted with extreme talents - good for them. Others, had to work at it. "Do you guys travel a lot?" He asked looking at the exceed. "Maybe we can retrace some of your journeys and see if we can find this Gyatsu. Has he ever done this before? Let you that is?" He paused. "Actually, how about you give us some information on how Gyatsu found you, how long you've been with him, and anything you think might help track him back down. What are his interests? Is he a city person or rural? Seafood lover or vegetarian? Any details you have could help us track him down." No matter Trex's own personal feelings on the matter, he could never stand by when someone needed help. He promised to help this little Exceed (despite his annoying personality) find his friend and he would do so. He was Fairy Tail. They did what was needed. He looked over at Zelia as Bodo talked. He knew she would be willing as well. However, he really didn't want to ask the rest of the team to volunteer to find Gyatsu. They hadn't had a decent job in awhile - as they had been looking for keys. This recent job on delivering a package really hadn't brought in a lot of money. Trex knew that wouldn't last them long and he guessed the others were all probably on reserve with their funds. --- Skye felt bad having missed tuned out Flynn. She nodded as he repeated himself. They made it to the guild and, per Flynn's guess, found that Trex and Zelia were not there. Skye nodded politely as Flynn mentioned he was going to go talk to his spirit. "I'll wait around here." She said not wanting to intrude on his conversation and not sure if he wanted her there. "Good luck." She watched him walk off before looking around. The guild was a bit empty but there were still people around. Cana was in the corner drinking, a couple new wizards were talking boisterously. She decided to hit the training room. She needed a good physical workout and it would help keep people from distracting her. --- He wasn't surprised when Flynn summoned him. Floren appeared before Flynn with his usual bored demeanor. "Sir." He gave a slight bow. Floren was a color key spirit. One of the rare, powerful spirits of the Celestial Spirit World. However, one would never have guessed. He had a gothic kind of appearance, an apathetic/bored face, and a depressing outlook. It actually made sense for those who knew him. Floren was the Spirit of poisons. He used poison magic to either kill or heal - depending on the situation. But overall, he was apathetic and did only what was required of him. Though, he secretly was glad that he fell in Flynn's hands versus that wizard from Caelum. He just regretted that Twila had to suffer because of it. "How may I assist you today?" Floren asked turning his attention back to his master.