"I will be clouding your presence until you can get some Mandalorian Iron weave armor or robes. It's what this ship is made out of... and incidentally Vader's exoskeleton. From this distance he shouldn't be able to differentiate your power from mine, so long as you are either wearing it or aboard the ship. Plus, I'm the second most powerful being in the galaxy, that creates alot of interference automatically wherever I am. If you are nearby me, unless he is actively trying to view the situation, he shouldn't be able to see you." Null eyed the emotionally torn human out of the corner of her eye while she flew. "I also want to clarify something with you. I am not a jedi. I will never be, a jedi. I don't care what you decide to do or what you become after all this. But I am a Sith. I believe fully in the power the dark side brings. Hell, chances are this might end in one of us killing the other after all is said and done, but my only concern right now is training you and killing Vader. We clear on that?" Null waited for a response as she pulled into her flagship Super Star Destroyer.