[hider=Khri'zhatt] [b]Name:[/b] Khri'zhatt [b]Race:[/b] Neogi [b]Appearance: [/b] [hider=Image] [img]http://www.johnmsteele.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/AD&D/Settings/SpellJammer/Others/WldWldWst/Neogi/Neogi88148.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Class:[/b] "Slaver with a few magic tricks" is the closest he comes to one. [b]Personality:[/b] Ruthless, rapacious and generally unpleasant, Khri'zatt is in all and for all the typical Neogi. The only pursuit he recognises as worthwhile is increasing his own wealth, and the fact that this inevitably involves subjugating other creatures - which often [i]are[/i] the wealth in question, as slaves are the only commodities a Neogi needs and desires - only seems to add to his enjoyment. For all this, though, there astonishingly seem to be some positive qualities, however minute, to him. He is genuinely attached (for a given definition of "attached") to Thrik, his umber hulk servant and the only being he trusts in the least measure (chiefly owing to it being deprived of free will), and has been known to treat monstrous slaves whom he deems satisfactory more indulgently (a relative term, to be sure) than his kin. One should know better than be fooled by this encomium, though - true to form, his standard approaches to interaction remain "enslave it, eat it, and, if neither works, smash it". [b]Background:[/b] Despite their marauding habits, Neogi lead, all things considered, fairly monotonous lives. All is an endless cycle of raiding, plundering and bartering, which, though amusing at first, can at length grow quite dull. On top of all, one cannot even enjoy what one has earned properly, since as soon as one has hoarded (nearly!) enough wealth they are promptly converted into breeding vats by their eager brethren. Khri'zhatt, gifted with a clarity of vision (or what he assumes to be such) uncommon for his kind (again, his own assumption), saw distinctly, since the day of his hatching, these grim perspectives for what they were, and decided he could do better than this. He soon conceived a grand vision for his own future - he would build a dungeon infested with the most fearsome of monsters, in themselves sufficient to arouse the envy of any other Neogi. But this was not all: dungeons inevitably attract miscellaneous heroes, many of whom carry valuable belongings. These he would loot, and use them to buy even more monsters, and so forth indefinitely. Since Neogi collectives do not take kindly to being deserted by their members, Khri'zhatt carefully planned his secession - carefully enough to escape with all his limbs and his umber hulk, to say nothing of his modest hoard. Now he roams the lands far and wide, seeking the most horrible creatures of all to accomplish his lofty goal. [b]Motivation:[/b] Khri'zhatt is driven entirely by greed - which, in his case, manifests as searching for the most horrid creatures he can to make into his servants. And the occasional snack. [b]Equipment:[/b] - His life's worth of savings in precious gems. - His all-purpose servitor, Thrik. [hider=Thrik] [img]http://www.umberhulk.com/graphics/umberhulk-3rd-edition.jpg[/img] As any self-respecting Neogi, Khri'zhatt is unfailingly accompanied by his personal umber hulk, which functions as anything he might require at the moment. Thrik is particularly notable for having been conditioned to obey its master alone by non-magical means, making its blind loyalty virtually unshakable, not less so for it not being exceedingly bright in its own right. Its only vice is occasionally chewing pieces off captives or bystanders if left unattended, and even that does not entirely play in its disfavour in a Neogi's opinion. [/hider] [b]Skills and Abilities:[/b] - Khri'zhatt is cunning enough to fend for himself in the wilderness, which mostly involves putting Thrik to good use. - If necessary, he can bite his enemies to inject an enfeebling poison into them. - As some members of his species, he possesses some spontaneous magic potential. As yet, it mostly amounts to summoning swarms of annoying gnats, but there is plenty of room for improvement. - Arguably his most dangerous ability, Khri'zhatt can perform a ritual which binds a non-sentient monstrous creature to his will. The creature must remain immobilised for the incantation's entire duration of a day and a night. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] - Greed. Risks be damned, Khri'zhatt will jump at any opportunity to increase his wealth by any means necessary. - Gluttony. If it moves, he will probably want to eat it, and not moving is probably not a safe defense either. This can lead to fairly uncomfortable, when not potentially deadly, inconvenients for him and anyone unfortunate enough to be in his vicinity. - And, of course, without Thrik he is not much more threatening in direct combat than a huge spider. [/hider]