Hey guys, I'm creating a RP that is basically a grimdark Jojo's bizarre adventure. Except instead of punch ghost, it punching and slicing shadows that detail the inner insecurities and flaws of their hosts. Here is the backstory. Backstory: Mercer City, a bustling town of people doing their daily schedule, day in and day out. As you guess, a regular city in northeast. But all that changed with the arrival of a strange unique artifact, called the revealing stone found in a aztec ruin a month ago and brought into the city's museum. And not even a few days after the stones arrival, a wave of dark energy is sent out through the city by the stone, encompassing the whole area in one night. Soon after, strange and disturbing ocurrences begin to rise, with property damage and corpses being found in some areas of the city. Medical and law enforcement authorities are baffled by these ocurrences, and if that was not enough, now they are being plagued by the ramblings of loons wailing about the arrival of a "god" who will bring about a "new era". If there might be a connection to the ramblings and the horrific and terrifying incidents, then maybe, just maybe that something more sinister might be lurking around the town. Or deep within the denizens themselves... How the Shades work -They represent your worst qualities in a strange or abnormal fashion, that is weird but useful in combat. Ex: Guy who is perfect but hates imperfection has a shade that has three arms with knife appendages. Its uneven but the arms can make precise and perfect cuts and stabs every time. -The host can control how far their shade can go, but it has limited range. Some go from 15 ft to 100 ft. -some Shades excel in some areas (Offense, Defense, Mobility, Special Power) more than others. -If the host is hurt, then so is the Shade. -Shades can only be seen by other Shade hosts. I think that about covers it, I hope this helps you create your character!! :D So if you are interested, let me know! :D