[quote=@Lunarlors34] [hider=My Hider] [center][h1][color=39b54a]Sora Kaze[/color], [color=fff200]Mai Butcher[/color], [color=6ecff6]Jess Butcher[/color] and [color=bc8dbf]Ethel Storm[/color][/h1][/center] [@Infichi][@Zarkun][@Joshua Tamashii][@Raijinslayer][@Crimson Raven][@Roseletta] The first thing the group was met with was a powerful shockwave which was directed away by a lazy backhand from Sora into another nearby building, causing it to collapse and thus be destroyed. If one had paid enough attention, they might've noticed that the shockwave was more powerful after Sora had deflected it but he would deny any sort of accusation made by anyone. "[color=39b54a]There they. Shiro is that one.[/color]" Sora pointed over towards Manami and Shiro now, making sure to single out Shiro to Verrick now as he clasped the younger mage on the back "[color=39b54a]Ok so guys we're doing things a little differently today. Jess and Mai, your usual team. Verrick and Ethel will be the other team. I'll just hang back here in case I'm needed.[/color]" Sora gave the four younger mages a smirk now as a breeze blew in from behind and blew them over to where the action was happening between James and co. Sora had decided to hang back now for a few reasons which might've been obvious to those who knew him well enough. First and foremost, he didn't enjoy beating down women. Call him sexist or a gentleman, he didn't care. Secondly they were too weak for him to bother fighting. Thirdly, and perhaps more importantly, he had a very bad habit of destroying anything and everything in a fight. Oh that and the weirdo over there seemed like a decent fellow to speak with. Powerful too. "[color=39b54a]Who's attention are you trying to get? The magic council? Cause destroying buildings is the way to go then.[/color]" Sora said as he walked over to Ferrin with his hands in his pant pockets and a casual demeanour about him. Sure everyone seemed to be in the middle of some huge showdown, but Sora didn't really care. [/hider] [/quote] Verick rubbed the back of his head feeling more than a little confused over exactly what it was he was supposed to do... But there really was no helping it he supposed, he'd gotten paired up with the kid and he'd probably have to make sure she was safe. "[color=00746b]Aright well... I guess we're going that way?[/color]" He turned to look at Ethel, he wasn't sure how he would fare if this turned into real combat and he didn't want her to get hurt, that would mean he would end up with no monies and that was a bad thing. He needed money, it was like his life blood! But he nodded to her and smirked. [color=00746b]"Alright then, You know what we're doing better than I do, lead the way kid and I will follow you."[/color]