[quote=@LHG100] Very interested, here's my CS! [hider=CS] Name: Rachel Lilian Age: 26 Personality: Rachel is one of those rare sorts who knows exactly what she wants, and can almost effortlessly maneuver herself to achieve it, as evidenced by her very well earned PHD in aerospace engineering. Her primary concern is herself and hers, with minimal outwards sympathy for those who can't help themselves. Even with all of her courage and drive, she needs help coping with her life at the moment, and the weight of her jerkass exterior, minimal empathy, and drug abuse precludes getting the friends she could certainly use, and that she secretly longs for. Plus, she has a tendency of doing her best to be intimidating to others, and her apparent thuggish injuries and love of 'ass-kicking boots' doesn't help her efforts in making friends. Appearance: Lilian is fairly tall for a girl at 5'8, and her shoulder-length red hair is kept in a single ponytail often. She commonly wears a black hoodie and sweatpants, being an overachiever in everything but giving a damn about today's fashion. She wears to mildly intimidate most often, with old combat boots she took as a gift from her grandfather that she makes sure to stomp around with when in public. Her right eye is covered in a bandage kept in place by a piece of cloth, and the rest of her body is mildly bruised. Her recent morphine addiction has also changed her general appearance for the worse, breathing uncomfortably shallow most of the time and with beady, constricted pupils. History: Lilian was born into an accomplished military family, her father and mother being an Airforce pilot and a juvenile psychologist respectively. Her father, expecting a strong boy to continue his family's tradition, was somewhat disappointed to get two girls, but was very happy when Rachel showed interest in common 'boy's' activities nonetheless. Her upbringing was fairly standard all things considered, aside from disinterest in romance and the fact she was simply a bit smarter then the rest of her peers for a vast majority of her childhood, finding amusement when she swindled her friends for giggles. She worked extremely hard for years, until just a few months ago she finally earned her PHD and left, having little care for the college life aside from educating herself. With a large amount of money stockpiled and bored out of her mind while looking for a job, she had a mild interest in outings for a while. The day of the party, a wave of darkness enveloped the town, and the morning after she was stabbed in her own home by a crazed burglar rambling about some sort of god. After she called the police and she was rushed to the hospital, she began to notice a figure was always watching her, almost protectively... Now, with the help of her Shade, she looks for answers in Mercer City. [/hider] [hider=Shade CS] [center][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oxx5iLtXAH4]Beware the Friendly Stranger[/url][/center] Name: Beware the Friendly Stranger Appearance: BtFS shares the same silhouette as its master, Rachel, being an average looking female figure wearing apparently baggy clothing. However, BtFS always appears to be seen through a low quality digital camera, being heavily pixellated. The Pixellation clears when it's 'calm', usually due to Rachel taking a shot of morphine, but it can be forced to when Rachel or BtFS desires it. BtFS moves very lethargically, and has a myriad of needles on its body which are usually hidden or hard to make out. When Rachel is threatened, BtFS maneuvers with far more speed, and crackly, grainy audio can be heard while it guards Rachel's well-being. BtFS has no discernible features aside from its general shape, with no eyes, mouth, nose, or hair, ultimately resembling a mannequin. Powers: BtFS, like its owner, is quite fragile, yet its actual tolerance for pain is superb. It appears that this same ability also dilutes the pain Rachel feels when BtFS is attacked, but the opposite doesn't seem to be true. BtFS has the same encyclopedic knowledge on many mechanical systems and engineering practices as its master. Its primary ability, though, is its power to feed on the energy and drive of nearly any target, biological, mechanical, sentient or non-sentient. In the case of a human, for example, it can totally remove the person's will to live in two seconds of maintained, direct contact. In mechanical cases, it can completely suck the battery of a car or computer in roughly the same amount of time to 'feed' itself and temporarily empower it. It seems to have an almost infinite appetite in this regard. Beware the Friendly Stranger can accurately be described as a 'plastic cannon', being somewhat more durable then you'd expect, if only because it cares less about being damaged. [/hider] Here you go, tell me if it's bad. [/quote] I love it, I love it, I love it!!