[color=maroon][h2][center]Aaron Fletcher[/center][/h2][/color][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/krky97Z.png[/img][/center] Aaron looked up from the manga as Emma returned, and blushed for the umpteenth that night. Before him was the girl of his dreams, clad in nothing but a towel. Oddly enough, she was neither red in the face nor making a show of herself... she was going about business as usual, as if she was fully clothed at the moment. There was, however, something about that fact that held his attention well. He watched her come over and sit beside him, his face somehow getting even redder. If he had a shred of confidence before, it was certainly gone now. He managed to regain control of his nerves as she started talking about the manga he had been reading. And then it dawned on him; Deep Ground was almost exactly the same as this. Or maybe it was a metaphor for life. Either way, he had an idea. [color=maroon]"Y'know, that got me thinking... In real life and Deep Ground, we do the same things every day in the hopes that, somehow, we'll fix everything and make the world a better place, then get what we want as a reward in the end. And yet, here we are."[/color] He pulled his phone out of his right pocket and scrolled through a list of group chats. The most active one was the chat for the Scarlet Harleys, which had been blowing up for the last few hours. [color=maroon]"Check the chat when you get a chance, story goes that the Black City itself is going rogue. Turrets are going haywire, Strykers turning on the Bruisers..."[/color] He sighed a bit, getting a little too philosophical for the situation. He snapped himself back to reality with a shake of the head. [color=maroon]"Sorry about that, thinking out loud."[/color] He stuffed his phone back in his pocket as Emma mentioned that he had full access to the bathroom and it's features, along with an offer to wash his clothes. [color=maroon]"No, it's alright. I'm usually one to shower in the morning anyway."[/color] He did stop for a moment as the smell of fast food and butter suddenly hit his nose. [color=maroon]"...On second thought, I think I'll take you up on that offer. I'll just, uh... leave my clothes on the bathroom counter. Bring 'em out when I'm done, y'know?"[/color] He set the book down on the bed and got up, swiping a white towel from the floor and making he way to the bathroom. Before he got in, he shot his host a quick smile and pushed the door closed behind him, leaving a small opening in his wake. Once inside, he managed to start up the shower relatively quickly and stripped out of his clothes, which still smelled reminiscent of Purple Crown's food court and the theater. Following that, the boy jumped into the shower and closed the curtain. [@KoL][hr][color=tan][h2][center]Phantom Regality[/center][/h2][/color][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/XcVYNVc.png[/img][/center] Phantom Regality paused as he heard the rumble of an engine approach, drawing his sword and grimoire in an attempt to look intimidating. With whatever was approaching, he was unlikely to do much. Soon enough, he heard the screaming of the brake... followed by Paper Moon flying out of the vehicle's windshield, doing what could only be called a spectacular flip, and then landing like nothing had happened. Deciding now was a good time to put his weapons away, the Necromancer scratched his head in an attempt to process what had just happened. As the brightly colored rogue spoke, he nodded while listening. Everything he said made sense, and he couldn't help but agree with the facts presented. He stepped onto the transport and took hold of a rung, looking to steady himself in case of more sudden braking. To his surprise, the sounds of gunfire were slightly muffled inside the troop transport, and it was a welcome change from gunfire and explosions. [@Jedly]