Do you like superheroes? Do you like action? Those things are pretty cool, right? Well, that's exactly what Omega City's gonna be about! My vision for this world is a Marvel movie in the form of a forum topic. The tone is going to be more lighthearted, with serious moments and stakes, as well as freakin' sweet action sequences! Additionally, it will be a semi-global story. Some heroes and villains might do some globe-trotting, but a majority of the RPing will take place within the vast and expansive supercity known as Omega City! In this roleplay there will basically be no limit to the type of character you can be! You can be a normal civilian, a wannabe hero or villain, an actual hero or villain, an anti-hero... The sky's the limit! I mean, obviously, you shouldn't be OP, cause that's pretty lame. I have yet to settle what exactly constitutes as OP, however, but don't go thinking you're gonna play a Superman-type character! I also want the lore, mechanics, and the history of the world to be flexible and shaped by the players themselves. It's going to start out pretty much as being our Earth, except Omega City and super-powered beings exist. But as we get more characters, it'll be fleshed out more. For example, if there's a character with magic, that opens up a whole new side of the universe with totally new mechanics. And maybe a handful of heroes come together in order to create a team of superheroes! Or, on the flip side, maybe some villains decide to come together to make some kind of league of evil. The sky's the limit here! Additionally, I want this RP to be open to more slice-of-life type subplots. Romance, family drama, that sort of thing. Although, the main focus is superheroics and supervillainy and how that all affects the lives of characters as well as how it affects the world. One last thing before you go! Occasionally, I'll have events of sorts for the characters to get involved with and adapt to (although it's not necessarily required that you do). Maybe some aliens wanna invade Omega City. You could be a villain that sides with the aliens, or helps heroes fight the aliens, or you could be a civilian running away from the aliens. Or maybe some kind of natural disaster occurs in part of the city, and the characters need to provide aid to the people affected by it. With all that said, any questions, comments, criticisms and concerns are all greatly appreciated!