[hider=WIP] [hider]Appearance: http://66.media.tumblr.com/74222bd49794af6112a722373e6b7215/tumblr_o8edtk4Dah1uq3bnuo1_500.png His height is a slender and tall man, nearly six feet tall.][/hider] Name: Dominic Dregos Age: 24 Personality: Dominic is innately egoistical and selfish at his core, though rather than shaping his personality negatively, this disposition simply prioritizes the needs of his own self before that of others regardless of familial ties or social obligations. Seeing as he naturally thinks himself superior to the common man due to his upbringing, he has no desire to needlessly affirm his position even when challenged. Though he remains loyal to his family and friends and outwardly acts in an amiable manner, even that kindness is ultimately motivated by his drive for self-preservation; by maintaining a positive outward appearance he makes life easier on himself. This doesn't mean that Dominic is particularly outright evil, but simply implies the realization that all actions ultimately affect the Self, and are therefore made to preserve it. However, he is obviously still capable of acting in an outwardly selfless manner so long as his actions are likely to benefit his own well-being sometime in the future, such as saving and ally for the sake of expecting him to do the same in the future. Brief History: Magic: Yggdrasil Seed: [/hider]