[center][h2]James Hunt|Crocus City Park[/h2][/center] [center][@Lunarlors34][@Joshua Tamashii][@Infichi][/center] James looked at the two girls and nodded. [color=SteelBlue]"I will leave you two to her then. I must check on her fr-"[/color] He turned in time to watch another new comer blast one of the three newly arrived girls in the gut and draw a sword. This was quickly becoming stupidly complicated. Still he wasted no time letting the darkness magic wielder know he was there, blasting her with a Holy Smite that hit her in the head with a hammer like projection before crossing swords with her. [color=SteelBlue]"You know, it's considered rude to interfere with family relations?"[/color] He pushed her back and cast a Divine Protection on all the people he had an idea he could trust and those he knew he could trust, namely Cody and Amelia. He also tried casting it on Amaya and Joshua underground, though he was uncertain if it worked. From there, he charged his sword with his magic and returned to keeping Jessica busy.