[@The Whacko] You need to post your character sheet in the OOC for GM approval before transferring it over. I have a few changes you need to make to the sheet before it can be approved. - Under traits, you listed Republican. Republican isn't a personality trait. - You need to include a character image underneath his name and above character summary. Look at Aidan's sheet for an example. - Under anything else, you need to recheck the rules and see what is supposed to be included there. - For formatting, the color coding only applies to the section headers and such -- not the actual text. Again, look at Aidan's. - Also for formatting, you need to keep the line breaks in. To do a line break, type [hr ] without the space there. Furthermore, for relations sheets, those need to be worked out with the person controlling the other character over PM. It can't be something one person just decides on.