Now to try myself on those GM duties! [quote=@KoL] [@Skyswimsky] Here's my CS: [hider] [center] [h3][i][b][color=f08080]~Reiko Asamiya~[/color][/b][/i][/h3] [img][/img] [color=f08080][i]"Life is just like a dream, fleeting. When you least expect, it ends and you are left with nothing but a void to gaze at."[/i][/color] [/center] [color=f08080][b]Name:[/b] [i]Reiko Asamiya, The Scarlet Sage.[/i] [b]Age:[/b] [i]21 years.[/i] [b]Height:[/b] [i]164 cm.[/i] [b]Personality:[/b] [i]Reiko's usually an introspective person, pretty much always keeping to her thoughts as if she had a huge weight to carry on her shoulders, which is in fact kind of true, even if most of it is just perceived guilt.[/i] [b]Brief History:[/b] [i]At the young age of twenty one, someone with Reiko's talents would be considered a prodigy, the last great magician of the Asamiya Clan. If only for the fact that, because of personal reasons that few know about, Reiko hadn't gave upon the life of the a mage and decided to study Philolophy, hoping that a mundane life would be some form of penance for whatever sin Reiko thinks she committed. However, nothing on this life ever goes like one wishes. With the news of the upcoming ritual, Reiko traveled to New Sealand, to take part on it, under the guise of an exchange student of New Sealand's University Master Degree program. Reiko's personal goal on this war is unclear, at the present moment, even Reiko doesn't know what she's fighting for.[/i] [b]Magic:[/b] [i]The Asamiya clan's primary magical expertise is exorcism, effectively the skill to deplete a supernatural being's existence, destroying it, which is no wonder when one considers that the Asamiya are known as a Demon Hunters for generations. For that reason, most of their magic is defensive in nature, dealing with barriers and enhancements as well as Eastern rituals and related magic. Reiko however, was born with a rare affinity for fire magic which allows her to use offensive variations of some of her defensive spells.[/i] [b]Yggdrasil Seed:[/b] [i]The seed owned by Reiko allows her to access the powers of her clan's ancestor, a powerful vampire. However, such power comes at a price that Reiko isn't very willing to pay thus, she rarely ever uses, or even comment on it.[/i] [b]Other:[/b] [i][b]•[/b] She's said to be dead by her clan, who preferred to fake Reiko's demise than admit to the magic community that their most powerful member, surpassing even the clan's head, Ginko Asamiya --The Silver Fox-- had turned her back on them. [b]•[/b] No matter what Reiko is always seen wearing a red scarf, or similar accessory. It's the main giveaway of her true identity as the women of the Asamiya clan are preserve this tradition for ages. Why Reiko still does it,despite her defection, is unknown. [b]•[/b] Recently, Reiko has been contemplating the idea of smoking, but she's yet to commit to it.[/i] [/color] [/hider] [/quote] A red scarf that does not symbolize JUSTICE? Heresy I say! Personality and history are vague enough that I don't really have to say too much about them but it's enough that I don't really require more. Though, your first paragraph is worded really weird, basically what you're trying to say is "Reiko would have been considered a prodigy if not for the fact she said "fuck magic!" and decided for a mundane live.", right? Right. Magic is okay. Affinities aren't really a thing/proven but she can just have a knack for fire stuff/runes because anime. Not that big of a deal. Though, one part is missing - or more like I am just making sure. I mentioned that the term 'Magic' pretty much means the same as 'Runemagic', people are just lazy and don't keep saying Rune all the time. I don't see you mentioning anything about that. The basic ability of her seed is okay too, I think? I imagine it has powers related to a "classical [s]anime[/s] vampire" stuff! Silly me should probably edit that in the first post/OOC but a Yggdrasil Seed itself doesn't hold a unique power itself and is more like a tool to manifest/amplify certain [i]believes[/i] of its owner. That, however, still works out with what you have because a Seed being passed down inside a clan which retains it's 'same power' regardless of user isn't that unheard of. Just gotta make sure and ask that she isn't a vampire herself though, right?(Outside of however the Seed might screw with her). Because 'modern vampirism' is a thing and doesn't have much to do with blood. [quote=@TheWindel] [hider=Karen] [i][u][center][h3][color=7bcdc8]~Karen~[/color][/h3][/center][/u][/i] [hr] [center][img] [/img][/center] [center][i][color=7bcdc8]"If you have something to say to me, spit it out already."[/color][/i][/center] [hr] [color=white][b]Name:[/b][/color] [color=7bcdc8]Karen W. H.[/color] [color=white][b]Age:[/b][/color] [color=7bcdc8]20[/color] [color=white][b]Personality:[/b][/color] [color=7bcdc8]A quiet girl who usually tries to keep to herself and under any circumstances, refuses to talk about her family. This odd behavior is not out of fear or disgust but more out of embarrassment. Considering her mother’s “eccentric” nature and her father’s “bold” personality, she’d much rather not be reminded of how much she resembles them. But aside from that, she’s quite easy-going and will speak up if she needs to.[/color] [color=white][b]History:[/b][/color] [color=7bcdc8]The most Karen will say about her lineage is that she was born from the union of a great hero and a repulsive witch. Or something like that; she won’t go into details purely out of embarrassment of being compared to the two of them. In any case, she learned most of her magic skills from her mother while her father taught her gunplay. When she became of age to set out and make a name for herself, she heard of the rituals of Ragnarok being held in the land of New Sealand. Having only been aware of these rituals from the magical community as well as recountings from her mother, the youth decided to participate in order to prove a name for herself. At least, that’s the story she tells everyone. In truth, her actions would suggest that she’s fighting in search of a certain someone though this is mere speculation. If she is searching for someone, it’s difficult to say who it would be or why she would be so determined to find them.[/color] [color=white][b]Magic:[/b][/color] [color=7bcdc8]Karen’s Rune Magic relies on traps and set-ups to catch opponents off guard. By placing down runic seals, whoever comes into contact with them will be bombarded with a myriad of wires that will incapacitate them. Karen can utilize these traps in a variety of ways though the core component will always consist of her wires. Sometimes the wires will constrict, other times they will sharpen themselves and pierce the foe in a circle of death; it really depends on Karen's mood and objective.[/color] [b][color=white]Yggdrasil Seed:[/color][/b] [color=7bcdc8]Karen’s Yggdrasil Seed takes the form of gloves and metallic fingertips with wire threads running through them. As such, the weapon can be used in various ways to attack, defend against, or immobilize opponents. The majority of the wire is held in a larger than normal spool at the back of the waist underneath her jacket. Furthermore, she also possesses two revolvers that act as heels to her boots, bound to the shoe using these very wires. Although nothing more than conventional weaponry, Karen is able to manipulate her wires to pull the trigger and fire the guns if need be. No doubt an excessive, yet deadly fashion statement.[/color] [hr] [i][u][center][h2][color=7bcdc8]~Theme~[/color][/h2][/center][/u][/i][center][youtube][/youtube][/center][/hider] [/quote] Bloodborne much! She looks good enough. Gotta clear some stuff up though. So her runes are [i]wire-based traps,[/i] right? So when somebody triggers such a trap the wire-component itself is actually not a part of the Yggdrasil Seed, right? But the wire she used with the gloves of her Yggdrasil Seed is part of her Yggdrasil Seed?! I have to be clear about this separation! I mean she could always just separate parts of her thread and provide it close-by to the trap, still gotta ask thou. Also are the revolvers separate entities/equipment or also part of her Yggdrasil Seed. There is, however, one thing. I'm not too fond of wire literally 'piercing' somebody. It's sounds rather ambitious and giving something versatile as anime-wire the power to pierce solid objects(human body is though, more-so a Yggdrasil Seed enhanced one) makes them even more versatile. I mean I am aware that wire can pierce things though I could be kinda biased because of a certain battle manga [s]named Arachnid[/s] where a certain girl does EVERYTHING with wire After consulting my trusty unofficial Co. GM however I decided you can keep your piercing, but it is basically implied that the wire needs to be (magically) reinforced for that, basically hardening it. Which also means she has to be close-range to pierce/stab somebody with wire. Now, for your traps it doesn't actually change anything because the "source of attack" is the trap itself which would be pretty much close-range/point-blank towards the victim anyways! So ultimately it ends up being fine the way it is but I just wanna say I keep a close eye on it because anime-wire-power can be pretty huge @@.